Do you collect anything? I don't really have anything like coin or stamp collections that I keep in pristine condition. The closest thing I have to a collection is my game collection, and I've recently started collecting the Disney Blu-rays since they go into the Vault after a certain amount of time and become really hard to find. I guess they're not really a true "collection" though because I don't keep them sealed, I use them, etc.
I used to be a crazy kid and collect strange looking rocks. But to me "strange" was stuff that didn't look like what we had around here (as in the driveway and what we dug up), so I had a few of them. XD But these days I collect games (in a way), Guides for games I guess I also collect, and then there's Coca-Cola items, I've got a good bit of stuff when it comes to Coke.
Pulling this thread out of the ether! I've recently started getting into LEGOs thanks to Klippy. Right now I only have four sets, but I'm hoping to expand that in 2013. I need a place to display them and keep the boxes though.
I collect Pokemon cards pretty hardcore, though I literally never play with them (Matter of fact I suck at TCG). Just like to have them I guess. xD
What good is collecting Lego if you're going to keep them in boxes? You need to build houses and a giant Death Star and a race track
...he said keep the boxes, not necessarily keep them in the boxes. I assume he'd display them and either keep the box in/on the display with them or just fold them up for safe-keeping in case he needs to take the piece apart someday. :P I've been putting off posting in this thread for two years now because I'm a major collector. I own shelves that are almost 100% dedicated just to showing off collection pieces. (Well, one entirely dedicated and then my stuff tends to just take over other shelves in the house.) I wanna take pictures and stuff but my house is always messy and I never remember to when it's clean. But until I can get pictures, I'll just take the time to briefly mention that I collect Pokemon stuff. My main focus is on Cherrim, unsuprisingly. Aside from cards and little Japan-only trinkets (like battrio coins, pan stickers, magnets, etc.), I'm fairly certain I own every official piece of Cherrim merchandise. I also collect some Pokedolls (official plush from the Pokemon Centre or Epcot and Nintendo World in the west) and my favourite kind of figure are zukan figures. They're 1/40th scale so you can easily compare the real size of one Pokemon to another. (Ledyba is MASSIVE.) I also collect a lot of Pichu because it was my favourite Pokemon for nearly a decade until Cherrim came along. Aside from that, I don't have many real collections. I'll get a piece of merch or a plushie here and there because I like the series but I don't seek to complete the set very often. That kind of mentality gets very expensive, fast.
Yes, I take them out of the boxes and put them together. :P But I just can't bring myself to throw the boxes out, even though I know Legos tend to retain their value even without them.
Just fold down the boxes and stuff them behind a bookshelf or under a dresser or something. The boxes can still be reassembled no problem but flattened, they take up almost no space.
I've never tried flattening them yet. I only have four sets so far...two LotR ones and two Star Wars ones. I stuffed the two smaller boxes into the two bigger ones, so they're not taking up too much space right now.
I've tried my hand at collecting before, I even went as far as trying to collect rocks, but I can never seem to really find anything that I like so much to the point where I invest all this time and money into collecting them.