There Geoff, finally got an avatar. Happy now? ;p -20C outside with a huge dump of snow sighhhhh. Normally I love snow as much as the next guy, but why so sudden and why all at once =(
Very happy, good sir. You look much better now. I would love some snow. We got hardly any last year...just one dusting, really.
Apparantly, Tom Hardy will play Sam Fisher in an upcoming Splinter Cell movie. Now I've never played a Spilnter Cell game but I don't think Hardy's the best person to play Sam Fisher. What do you guys think?
No clue who Tom Hardy was until I saw he was in The Dark Knight Rises, which I never saw, and I know nothing about Splinter Cell, so I'm not the best person to pass judgment. XD
I'm not sure I can endorse a Tom Hardy movie that doesn't have him wearing a muzzle and makes understanding his speech like 80% harder than it should be. Though I never liked him in Dark Knight Rises, not a fan of movies changing the race of a character.
He was the English dude in Inception too (and other stuff, I guess. But that's what I know him from). And I still haven't played a Splinter Cell game, so I don't have much to contribute because I have nothing invested in this franchise
Tom Hardy is the large brother in Warrior right? If so I thought he was amazing in that movie. (Also still OP, lol)
Splinter Cell wasn't very interesting, I played it during my youth for some reason. You just do the same thing over again but over a different setting, didn't please me but a remake would be interesting...perhaps.
I don't like stealth that much, and if I were to get into a stealth series it'd be MGS, so I just don't see myself trying Splinter Cell. I tried the demo of Conviction and just didn't really enjoy it.