Do you have your driver's license? Or just your permit? If you do, what kind of car do you drive? I've had my license since I turned 17. I had a 2005 Hyundai Elantra until a couple months ago, but now I have a 2011 Honda Civic LX.
Nope. I'm supposed to go get my permit on Monday, but I need to start studying... Haven't even looked at the handbook. >>;
I drive a 2003 Ford Taurus. I consider it an old person car, but I like the feeling of driving it because it cruises across the road, and bumps are usually like riding a bus. You don't feel them!
I'm 19 and I've been driving for 2 years and I've driven a 1989 Honda Accord 5-spd the whole damn time. :)) Savvy, I'm mega jelly. T__T Geoff... wtf. -.-
Yep! Had it since 17. I drive a Toyota Tundra or my dad's Prius. I drive the truck mostly though. It's my babeh.
Yup! My parents made me get my driver's permit on my 15th birthday, got my full-fledged license on my 16th. I drive a uh... well I'm not sure what it is, some old Subaru. It isn't really a car I would have chosen for myself, but I'm just grateful my parents got me a car at all
We had two family cars, and then my dad got a car from work. So, his basically became mostly mine in the last year as I drove around until the lease was up. It was an Acura TL 2008 Just the other week though, we traded it in and got a newer model that's shared among the men in the family (mom has her own car). So, now I drive this, an Acura TL 2012 Once I get a real full-time job and can afford a car of my own, I'll do so. Would most likely not be the above, as much as I love it - it is waaaaay out of my current or foreseeable future price range. For starters, I'd pick something that doesn't require premium gas XD