I read lots of different genres. I love all, really. Comedy, romance, suspense, horror, mystery.. I love reading. D Here are a few recommendations with brief descriptions. The Looking Glass Wars. This three part series is a spin on the Alice In Wonderland tail; a new twist of adventure and mature themes loaded with violence and unpredictable turns. Possibly one of my favorite books ever. Lucifer Dethroned. Though this is a Christian faith pusher, it's a very educational book on current American myths. If you're interested in the secrets of the lucifarian church, satanic church, or the illuminati; it's a must read for sure. Hardey Boys. 'nuff said.
Ehh... I haven't read Renaissance or Brotherhood, but The Secret Crusade isn't all that great. It's literally a word-for-word adaptation of AC1 and Bloodlines, with hardly any personality thrown in. There are a few new parts before the Bloodlines arc finishes; after that, from what I can tell, there's quite a bit of new material for the series. However, I just began the Bloodlines section of the book, and I really don't feel like finishing the rest. It's pretty boring. :/ I think that the post-Bloodlines stuff will be shown in Revelations in some way, so if you don't read the book, you probably won't be missing too much.
I....used to read. Often, that is. Nowadays...well....not so much anymore. I'm a person that's easily distracted and well..reading books just isn't in for it for me anymore. To be honest, my English Literature class in high school is the class that kinda made me despise reading, and ever since then, I've kinda had a distaste for it. It's strange because before that, I used to love reading and read books whenever I had the opportunity to. I will try to make an effort(especially as it's getting close to college time and whatnot), to try to read more often, but....I dunno how successful I'll be after years of barely reading any books. D:
Nah I really don't enjoy reading much. I only like a few series like the Harry Potter books and Artemis Fowl. I could read those books over and over.
I've been reading a lot more lately - I re-read the Harry Potter series and now I'm starting on The Hunger Games since I've had so many people recommend it to me. Hopefully I'll enjoy it.
I used to read all the time, but lately I've been so busy I haven't been able to "/ I use to love reading Steven King books. I love his horrors, Especially the psychological ones ;3 At the moment I'm in the middle of Cujo and have been for over a year now, maybe two so I'll probably be starting it again soon x3
Finishing up the Percy Jackson series now. I just started on The Last Olympian. I've really enjoyed it - they're more blatantly children's books than the Harry Potter series, but still really entertaining and action-packed.
I'm finally getting around to finishing Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade. :P I'm almost at the end of the Bloodlines section, so I'm about to hit what I assume is the good stuff... although I think said stuff has been spoiled for me, since I've played through Revelations. After I finish the book, I'm gonna read Eragon and Eldest.