E3 is just eight days away, and now that June has rolled around we've opened up the E3 forum again for all your discussion, predictions, and news from the show. There are official threads for each major conference, so feel free to use those for general discussion or make your own threads about anything and everything E3. As usual, later this month the E3 forum will be closed and the threads in the forum will be moved to their normal forums where you can continue your discussions. And remember 4P's E3 2014 Hub will be constantly updated before, during, and after the show, so be sure to bookmark it and keep checking it for updates! You'll find a schedule of all the major E3 events, links to streams, and the latest news and features from the show right on that page. We'll also be doing our usual live-tweeting of the conferences (barring any Twitter issues like we had in 2012!) and posting news to Facebook, so be sure to follow @4PGames on Twitter and like us on Facebook!