Setting up a little precursor to our E3 coverage... It's hard to believe E3 is only three and a half weeks away. What's everyone expecting from the conferences/events? Any particular games you're excited about seeing? Here's the schedule of confirmed events so far: Monday, June 6 9:30 AM PT, 12:30 PM ET - Microsoft Press Conference 12:30 PM PT, 3:30 PM ET - Electronic Arts Press Conference 2:30 PM PT, 5:30 PM ET - Ubisoft Press Conference 5:00 PM PT, 8:00 PM ET - Sony Press Conference Tuesday, June 7 9:00 AM PT, 12:00 PM ET - Nintendo Press Conference
I mostly just want to watch the Nintendo one in the hopes there will be some 3DS game announcements that don't bore me to death. \o/ I'll probably watch all of them but the EA ones (because I don't think there's a single EA game that interests me) but I can't think of anything that really excites me. I can't say I'm looking forward to the inevitable looong apology from Sony about the whole PSN thing. :P I would've been interested in Ubisoft's before the AC:R announcement but now I'm just a bit blah since it's not the announcement I wanted. Maybe it'll get me excited for it, though!
I plan to watch all of them, and of course I'm going to have to cover them for 4P. I'm trying to think of some way to have a community event for E3 as well - maybe community conference viewing or something (a big IM chat, or live discussion here on the forum...not sure how that will work).
Can't wait for E3. I am looking forward to everyones presentations really. Can't wait to hear about The Last Guardian and other epic games and will be interesting to see Nintendo's. Sony have rented out a massive arena, so that one should be interesting.
I'm just hoping Microsoft does better than last year. Seriously...a huge affair Sunday night that was all about Kinect, followed by an almost two hour conference on Monday that was...all about Kinect. Can we get some real game announcements?
Set up an IRC or something so people can come/go? :O Keep the logs and post them later so anyone who missed can still see everyone's running commentary?
Hmm, mainly looking forward to more The Old Republic news, and maybe some Rift expansion news or something? I'd also really really like to see Left 4 Dead 3 announced, or at least a bunch of new content for 2. To be honest I look forward to BlizzCon a lot more than E3 since that's where all the WoW and StarCraft announcements are. I plan to watch the Microsoft and Ubisoft ones at least, and as much of the Sony one as I can before my raid starts an hour later. Even if I wasn't going to be on vacation during the Nintendo one there's no way I'd wake up for it after last years :|
Last year, Microsoft's was just ridiculous and Sony's was overly long with too much talking. Nintendo had the only remotely interesting conference, and they had a really good conference. The only thing really bad about Nintendo's was that embarrassing Zelda demo.
Oh right, Nintendo had that cute asian kid playing with the puppies last year. Guess I'm thinking of every Nintendo event before last year p: