Nintendo's press conference will be presented Tuesday, June 7th, at 9:00 AM PST, 12:00 PM EST. Post all your predictions, impressions, and thoughts before, during, and after the conference in this thread!
Well, I'd have to say that for the most part, Nintendo's conference was... satisfying. Not nearly as satisfying as their conference last year, but still, satisfying. Pros: - The Wii U looks pretty amazing. Just the Zelda tech demo had me drooling - Skyward Sword looks even better than before - Ocarina of Time 3D looks like it'll be good (If there was any doubt before) - Zelda 25th Anniversary looks to be exciting, overall - Loved the orchestra - The 3DS games they showed looked to be good, especially Zelda and Mario Cons: - Only one Wii game. While I have no doubt that Skyward Sword will be awesome, there were at least two other Wii games Nintendo needed: Xenoblade and The Last Story. They still have yet to officially announce a North American localization of either game, and honestly, those two are some of the final good Wii releases. Yes, they have Kirby, but I didn't even know they were showing it off because it wasn't mentioned, and I'm sure that the fact it began as a GameCube game isn't exactly a good sign (From a "Uh oh, we ran into some troubles" standpoint) - Only one new 3DS game. Again, I'm sure all of the 3DS games Nintendo showed off at the conference will be good, but they only had one new game to show off? Seriously? While it is Luigi's Mansion, it was still fairly underwhelming. At least we saw more of Super Mario 3D. All in all, it was good, but I was kinda disappointed. My hopes were too high, I guess.
Really? I really didn't think there were any good points to the Nintendo conference. The only think I liked was the orchestra and that was it for me. The Wii U looks blooming horrible, IMO and I just don't like it; looks like some iPad ripoff.
No Xenoblade, Last Story, or Fire Emblem Shin Monshou no Nazo = Nintendo is dead to me. I'm just not in their demographic anymore, I suppose.
I wouldn't say I'm not interested in the games they showed off - I'm sure Mario 3DS will be great, Kid Icarus looks good, and of course I'm looking forward to Skyward Sword, Star Fox, and OoT. The problem is they didn't really announce any new games - besides Luigi's Mansion 2, of course. And they have so many original games they could bring here that are outside of their "normal" franchises - Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower all come to mind. So why is their release schedule so barren for the rest of the year?
Nintendo had a good show just not as good as last year's. Very few new games were announced but we did get new footage of already announced titles which is always good. The Wii U as of now still remains a mystery in terms of what it can potentially do but the new features that were announced are nice. I was dissapointed that there is still no news on a new F-Zero and no new info about Pikmin 3.