Sony's press conference will be presented Monday, June 6th, at 5:00 PM PST, 8:00 PM EST. Post all your predictions, impressions, and thoughts before, during, and after the conference in this thread!
inb4 three hours of apologies and then hyping up the "sorry we sucked at privacy" package. :( Not looking forward to much here. I guess I'm excited to see the new PSP if only because I've been playing my PSP into the ground lately. I want some reasons to buy a new one without a broken battery cover! :'D
Apparently the five hour thing includes a concert and NGP demos. I don't know if all that will be streamed or just the conference itself.
Hopefully, they'll say something about Sly 4 (Haven't played the first three yet, but they seem good) and a new Jak & Daxter (Hopefully made by Naughty Dog, or at least Ready at Dawn). I'm also hoping that Square will show off FF13-2 at Sony's conference (Though since I have yet to beat FF13, I'll have to skip that portion of the show), and maybe something Kingdom Hearts related (Doubt it). Maybe FFv13?
Unless BBS2 is planned for the NGP and the NGP is far enough along that they'll be hyping the far-away-but-upcoming games... there won't be any KH at Sony's. Not that they ever really do anything but show a quick trailer for KH games (and when that happens, it's ALWAYS for games that have already had a release in Japan). :( I'm not expecting much from Square-Enix at any of the conferences, tbh. They have nothing interesting close to release. Would be nice to see stuff though.
I always look to Sony to wow me! It is rare that they do, but I can't wait to watch it anyway! The NGP will be an interesting thing to see!
I thought Sony had a pretty strong showing - definitely better than Microsoft. There weren't any big game reveals, but the Vita hardware and price is impressive, and I like how they're trying to find their own niche (3D) rather than push Move hard. Move had a presence, but it was fairly low-key and wasn't a "main attraction." I was disappointed that Square Enix didn't make an appearance though - I've given up hope for VS XIII but some XIII-2 love would have been nice.
^ That's pretty much how I felt. Except I wasn't expecting Square-Enix to have an appearance at all. They kind of embarrassed themselves last year by promising Sony exclusivity on the consoles for FFXIV and the game completely flopped on the PC and never made it to PS3 (and I expect it may be silently scrapped). So I think all we can expect from them is that XIII-2 trailer and maybe an announcement here or there on handhelds for like a Crystal Chronicles or something like that. Nothing special. Square-Enix always saves their good stuff for TGS. I now wish I'd had a chance to test out the PS3's 3D. :( I was going to last year at Fan Expo in Toronto where they had a racing game set up on a 3DTV but the guy who was testing it before my group (we were standing around waiting) was SO BAD. He was stuck horizontally on the street and couldn't turn out of it and finally we got sick of the second-hand embarrassment and walked away without taking a turn. But they still got me interested in it. I especially want to know how that TV works! They said it would do local co-op except person 1 would see something different on the screen than person 2. My mom and I looked at each other and went "how the heck does that work!?" so now I'm super curious.
Sony won for me this year. Just the NGP stole it a bit in a good way and I was surprised with some of the games; never expected Bioshock to be on the NGP, makes me very happy.
Nintendo won the show for me but Sony was very close. The PS Vita certainly is impressive and it shocked me to see how cheap it was in price considering what it can do.