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Site-Forums Link & New Staff Member

Discussion in 'The Bulletin Board' started by Rhys, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Rhys

    Rhys Co-Webmaster

    May 10, 2011
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    We have more power behind the scenes here at 4P, and in multiple ways!
    Earlier this month, we enhanced 4P with a new feature: linked site-forums functionality! Now, when a news post is published on the main site, a corresponding forum topic will be posted in the News Posts forum (Or, in the case of site news, the Announcements forum). In addition, comments posted on a news article will show up on the forums, and vice-versa. This bridges the gap between the site and forums even more, so check it out! Why not test it with the slew of recent Nintendo news?
    In addition, we were recently joined by a new staff member, and you may have seen him around on the forums already. His name is Paul, he loves video games (In case you couldn't figure that out), and he's joined the site as a Staff Writer. Be sure to say hi to him on the forums, and also be sure to check out his review of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch!
    We hope you enjoy the additions to the site. With E3 just over a month away, stay tuned in the coming weeks for information regarding the industry's biggest annual event, as well as other things we've got planned for you all!

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