._. lmao whyyyyy. Why did they tease this so hard? I don't understand and I am so disappointed. Wasting all that hype on a port, whether they have something else in the works or not, was just so dumb. There's been rumours for years about a sequel of sorts. I guess now it probably is going to come to fruition but after this disappointment I can't say I'm very excited. :[
Just because it's an iPad game doesn't mean it's not worth the $20. It's a good price for the amount of content in the game, and from what I can tell, that's about how much the DS game is sold for nowadays.
DS game is easy to find at $10 or $15, even new. I think $15 is fair for an iPad game but the iPad version is $20 and, iirc, the iPhone version is $17. That is ridiculous. For a port that doesn't seem to have much more content (really, all they seem to have changed at a glance--aside from an upgrade in visuals--is the mini-game that goes with each partner's sync), that's an iffy price. It'd be fine on any other console but if people buy this for $20, Square-Enix is going to think they can sell any game at that price. They already sell straight ports at $10 (iirc that's how much they charge for Chrono Trigger on iOS) and I think if you buy the entirety of one of their more recent iOS original games (it's an episodic title), it sets you back like $30+. :/ I just worry they're getting into iffy territory. People aren't really willing to pay for premium games on mobile devices. I'd rather they put their efforts into actual handhelds if they're pushing for $20-30 games as opposed to ports and the like. The only people willing to spend that kind of money are people who would be willing to spend more if they did full-fledged handheld games. And the only people who are gonna chance $20 on TWEWY are the ones who have already played it before which isn't really what they should be catering to on iOS. But I'll save full judgment for when we actually get more details about the game. I'm iffy on the game working well for veterans without buttons (and I hate iOS games for the lack of buttons, for that matter) but I'm sure they must have come up with some control scheme to help it along.
Oh. I saw it for $20 on Amazon about a week ago. I do think that for most iOS gamers, the price does seem too steep. I mean, I personally think the content included is worth it, but I know a lot of people don't think that way. If they sold it for, say, $5 or $7, they'd probably get a lot more customers. As for the game not playing well, they're focusing almost entirely on stuff seen on the bottom screen in the DS game, so I think it'll play just fine.
Yeah but some boss battles at low levels on Ultimate are absolutely unplayable without controlling your partner too for maximum sync. So it'll be interesting to see how they make up for not being able to control the partner (seemingly).
I'm really not impressed with what I've seen of the game. Lack of tactile controls, no dual screens, totally compromised gameplay (controlling characters on both screens was what made the combat system, even though it was incredibly hard to get used to at first), and a high price tag. I'll stick with my DS copy. The price is a huge issue though. Mobile gaming has always been the realm of cheap, 99-cent pick-up-and-play games. Premium experiences like RPGs and the like need to stay on dedicated handhelds.
I just don't see why they hyped it so much...iPhone ports don't deserve countdowns. Everyone really expected a sequel out of all this, and while I'm hoping all the recent attention TWEWY has gotten is pointing toward a sequel in the not-so-distant future, this has been a real slap in the face.
People shouldn't have expected it to be a sequel as much as they did; Square's countdowns have never been for anything more than mobile games.
I don't mind them testing the waters with better games for iPad but the fact that they're charging pretty much an identical price for the iPhone version is silly to me. It should be one price and you get the game to play on any of your iOS "consoles". But that's a limitation by Apple, not Square-Enix, so it's not fair for me to judge it on that. :/ (And yes, I know you could buy the iPhone version and play it on iPad but you'd be missing the extra resolution.)
That's just the thing, though: Square-Enix never does countdowns. The only ones I remember are for Chrono Trigger DS (which was a big deal because CT hadn't been ported and updated in years and that was before ports to this gen were very common--they also added more content to the game) and Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light which was a brand new game, at least. I honestly don't remember any others, so it's not like they commonly use this as a way to build hype. And I don't even remember any that were for mobile games.