Started Darksiders II - it's pretty fun so far. Just got to the beginning of the first dungeon...I loved the first game and I'm hoping this one is even better. Getting a serious Prince of Persia vibe from it so far. I'm also playing a little bit of Assassin's Creed III: Liberation and Persona 4 Golden on the side, and I'm going to try to pick up my Kingdom Hearts replay again and beat that by the end of the year.
Trying to get back into playing Dissidia 012. I'm also working on finishing Mass Effect: Infiltrator, though the game keeps crashing on me now for some reason. :/
Since it's just been released, I grabbed my hands on a copy of FarCry 3, and I don't regret it; the game is absolutely amazing! Well, Guild Wars 2, pretty recent game and thought it would be something nice to add to my collection. It is actually a very good game and I'm glad I picked it up. and it also gave me the reward points to pick up FarCry 3
- The World Ends with You: Solo Remix (iOS) - Just finished week 1. - Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) - I'm on Chapter 11 now. - The Walking Dead (PC) - Just finished Episode 1. (Spoiler) Chose Carly at the end. :( (End spoiler)
Finally playing Dead Island, a buddy of mine got it for me for Christmas. Liking it so far, on Chapter 6.
Still plowing through the infinite ways to get through Dishonored. Love it. Black Ops 2 zombies never ceases to be fun, as well. Other than that, not much. Just can't get into AC3 right now.
Decided I wanted to get one more game beaten by the end of the year so I'm rushing through Half-Life 2: Episode One. It's not bad, but I loved the original game (and I just played it for the first time this year) and this just feels like more of a side chapter. I've heard Ep2 is leagues better though. Anyway, I'm at the beginning of Chapter 4 out of 5 now, with two days left. If I can just devote 2-3 hours to it in the next day or two I should be able to get through it by the end of the year.
Playing the hell out of FTL. I haven't won yet but I've come reeeally close twice. I think I can manage it before the end of the year! *fingers crossed* Also started a playthrough of Tales of Graces with my brother. It's technically his game, I've just been holding it for him since he doesn't have a PS3 to play it on... so I figured he should actually get to see the plot while we're together with a working PS3. :x We're playing a NG+ off my previous file with 10x exp on, titles carried over, and 6x (?) SP and all that. It's... terribly easy and people finish titles so quickly. I'm almost regretting it because it's a strange experience, especially going through the game with someone the first time. :s
Kirby's Epic Yarn: Just got into the Snow Land area. White 2: Trying to defeat all of the Gym Leader tournaments in the PWT.