Tales of Vesperia (PS3) Roommates and I are on a real Tales kick right now. We played through almost all of Vesperia on 360 and I've been meaning to play the PS3 one for a while so I bought it. I played a bit of it this weekend and I'm up to the point where I'm about to meet Patty (new character in PS3 version) for the first time so I'm pretty excited. It's a much better experience in Japanese than Tales of the Abyss has been so far. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Doing a replay of this series. I'm on the fourth case of the first game so far. Hoping to get through all of it pretty quick. I was going to leave this longer so that my replay happened closer to the 5th game's release but... I rewatched Haruhi recently and the episode where they parody a court scene from AA made me want to play the games too badly to wait.
Pokemon White Version I was replaying this because I have White 2 now and I didn't remember anything about the first game. Not that these are plot heavy, but it was as if I didn't play the game. This time around, really enjoying it. A lot better than R/S/E or D/P/Pt. About to take on the Elite Four. Looking forward to moving on to White 2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations Started this awhile ago. But, through emulation on my phone :X Which drains out the battery quickly. And just... in general, since I started all these games in late-April/early-May, I just haven't had a lot of time to devote to them since work started :( I'm only about half-way through the second case. Bastion I'm somewhere XD Picking up shards after that other pale kid blew everything up.
Double post! Same as above, minus Bastion as I've finished that. Started playing through "Newer Summer Sun" with DarkSpade93. It's a short level pack hack for New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Summer themed, with some new graphics, and, most entertainingly so far, new/remixed music. Enjoying it. Also the first time I've done multiplater on NSMBWii. I should have always done that. Makes it a lot more fun
Tales of Vesperia PS3 Haven't played this in a few days but it's coming along alright. It was meant to be more of a speed run but I'm doing a more comprehensive playthrough than the most recent one I did, whoops.
Assassin's Creed II - Just got to Monteriggioni. Haven't been playing it much, and I don't think I'll sink a lot of time into it until I finish... Assassin's Creed III - Right now, I'm in Sequence 9, doing the missions where you have to (spoilers) team up with Haytham. I've got to say, now that my expectations aren't so high and I know what to expect, I'm kind of enjoying the game a lot more than I did when I first played through it at its release. The frontier is fun to explore, and the in-Animus story isn't quite as bad, though the farther you get in the game, the more rushed and kind of incomplete the story is. Also, I'm still convinced that the very last thing the developers did was work on the modern day stuff, because not only is the modern story rushed beyond comprehension; its gameplay performs really badly... which is a shame, because out of all the AC games, this is the one that had the most potential for a great modern day component. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - After finishing The Last of Us, I kinda wanted to go back and play Naughty Dog's earlier games, so I picked up the first two Crash games off the PSN (I already had Warped). Crash 1 is nigh unplayable for me at this point, so I went straight on to Crash 2, and it's pretty fun. Once I finish it, I'll probably move on to Jak and Daxter.
Rogue Galaxy Picked this back up to add to my backlogged RPG beaten counter. Right now I'm in the Cancer King Ruins. The game is really good and fun but the dungeons are such slogs - copy/paste corridors with no puzzles or anything. And they're loooooong. Metal Gear Solid I'm actually playing this! Just got out of the DARPA chief's cell, so I'm still very much at the beginning of the game, but I think I might enjoy it in the end.
Okay, been a while. Here's my now playing rundown. Kingdom Hearts χ [chi] The open beta for this browser game started the other day. It's only in Japanese and it... honestly probably won't come out in English but it's so much fun! The art style is absolutely adorable and I love my little character. ;w; The quests are kind of iffy at times and it's one hell of a time sink because I've gotten so addicted to it but it's nice to have open in the background. It's kind of the perfect game for my style of playing video games so I'm really enjoying myself. It's also so satisfying to be the one out of 60+ people on competing teams to take down the raid boss Darkside. :'D It makes me sad I didn't take the time to play the closed beta when I got into it, whoops. Tales of Vesperia PS3 ugh i've already bought costumes for this lmao. I thought I'd be safe since I'm not putting my credit card on my throwaway Japanese account but then I remembered I have friends in Japan who can buy me prepaid cards so... whoops, bought all the high school costumes. Just got to the part of the game where you lose all your healers except that you DON'T in the PS3 version because Flynn joins the party for a while. I love him a lot so I'm actually excited to go through this part for once. *u* (Usually I always dread it because, you know, Karol is the only one with any ability to heal and he just plain sucks.) Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney Picked this up again. I'm going through it veeeery slowly since I need the dictionary and all but it's going faster than my previous attempt, haha. Still, it's kind of on hold until my whole one class this term is over. I have to admit, though, I vastly prefer it to the demo of GS5. :( The music is a lot better, the animations look nicer, and so on. It's kind of weird. (I'm talking about the courtroom parts because the Layton parts aren't really comparable, haha.) I guess I'm still sort of playing Dragon Age: Originals but I haven't actually touched it in at least two weeks so...