Trying to wrap some things up for for my Game of the Year list in January, so I'm playing Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker to see if it makes the cut. Also got an Xbox One yesterday, so I started Sunset Overdrive last night. Really enjoying both of them so far - might be a harder year to make a list than I thought! Hopefully once I get done with those I can devote some time to Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM HD so I can beat it and move on to 2.5.
Currently playing Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. So far, I've only been playing as Charizard. I think he's really good. He has three jumps, a good Up Special, and great Smash attacks. The only downsides I see are his Final Smash and his Side Special due to the self-inflicted damage (this can be fixed with the Dragon Rush custom move though). Planning on playing Pokemon Omega Ruby Version soon.
That the save file is shared between accounts on the Wii U is weird. But keep at it, they'll be nothing left for me to unlock once I get to Smash XD I rang in the New Year playing Ace Attorney as I have nothing else to do lol
Taking a break from Smash Wii U to focus on Omega Ruby. About to head to Mauville City. I'm enjoying the remixed/updated music but I'm still not crazy about the Hoenn region. Boring Pokemon and a boring region so far (although that'll probably change once I get to the volcano, the desert, Fortree Town, etc.)
Now that I have Game of the Year stuff behind me, I'm devoting most of my gaming time to Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories HD. Just finished up Floor 7 (of 13) in Sora's story, then just have to plow through Reverse/Rebirth before moving on to KH2! Really looking forward to that since I've been waiting seven years to play KH2 Final Mix. Also still getting plenty of time in with Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, but that's just on the side.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze [Wii U] Really impressed by this so far. The world themes so far have been pretty original so far (whereas Returns was a DKC rehash). World 2 could have fit in DKC3 easily. But man, that Lion King-like level in World 3 just put a grin on my face. Made me feel like a kid playing the "Just Can't Wait to Be a King" level of the Lion King SNES game lol Visuals are great too and the music is fantastic. Every once and a while you stop and go "this is a good song". Oh, and it's fun. Difficulty is just right so far. Shame no one bought this game :( Super Smash Bros. for Wii U It's Smash, I don't have to explain it. Not my favourite, but my HORI GCN controller makes it better. Still trying to find a main character. Bouncing between Mario, Toon Link, Ness (customized with Lucas' abilities), Charizard, and Bowser. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All [Ace Attorney Trilogy, 3DS] I took a bit longer of an Ace Attorney break than I had intended following the first one but getting back into this tonight I'm ready for your psyche locks. Of the three in the Trilogy, it's my least favourite, but still looking forward to jumping back in that world again. Castlevania [Famicom] If I remember correctly, this is upcoming on my retro to-do list. I should start it this weekend. Never played any of these before, so should be interesting. I'll be playing the Famicom version of the NES because it has an easy mode ;P
I'm plowing through Reverse/Rebirth in Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories - I just started it a little over an hour ago and I'm already through the second floor. It moves so much faster than Sora's story. Also playing a bit of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages on the side, though I haven't played it in a few days, as well as trying out Kick & Fennick since it's free on PS+ and my Vita needs some love. Pretty decent little game so far, though I think if it doesn't get deeper it's going to get old fast.
Tales of Zestiria aaahhh new tales game! I'm having a bit of a love/hate relationship with it though. I'm really, really enjoying the characters/plot thus far but my GOD is the game clunky. They took out a lot of things that I love love LOVED about Xillia's mechanics (simple things, like unlimited quick travel to anywhere you've already been, or completely switching out your party on a whim, etc.) and either dumbed them down or just ditched them entirely. The game uses "realtime" battle arenas so wherever you run into the monsters is where the traditional fighting ring goes down and if there's a tree right in the middle, you're fucked because I guarantee the camera will get stuck in it and you'll spend the whole fight staring at your feet (if you're lucky enough to be able to see them). The graphics are also a step down from Xillia somehow (jaggies everywhere, the textures are lower quality) even though they reuse so many other assets from the game (just about every common NPC is just a re-clothed ToX/2 NPC) and auguhghh. BUT I'M STILL HAVING SO MUCH FUN and every day when I stop, I just keep thinking about it and counting down the hours until the next day so I can play again. Basically, the inevitable PS4 port they must be planning to fix all this shit is gonna be GREAT. This version, not so much. But I'm still enjoying myself anyway even if I'm ashamed to say it.
Currently playing Mass Effect and enjoying it, though there has been a LOT of talking so far which gets a bit tedious.
It's called character development and plot. :P The dialogue choice and directions you can go with it is one of the highlights of the series, imo.