...yes, I did. Apparently I just get annoyed typing the whole name out since that's not the first time I've forgotten the 2. XD;
It's an annoying name. Hyphens and everything. XD I really want to beat either ToGf or AC:R before Xenoblade on Friday, but that's not going to happen. And I've pretty much totally lost interest in Revelations...not that it really grabbed me to begin with.
I liked the tower defence itself, but I really hated how tacked on it felt. I think that would have been a much better fit as one of the billion spinoff games Ubisoft likes to add to the series. It'd make a nice iPad game. As a required addition to a main timeline game... no. I really had to force myself to get through AC:R. :/ Honestly, I don't even think the ending was worth the game. I don't think anything important happened that ties it to the series like the others. [/makes you never want to pick it up again lmao] KH 3D came the other day, so that officially gets to be the last game I bought.
I got Diablo 2 the other day, though I haven't even played it yet XD. What brought it on was that I got into the Diablo 3 beta a couple weeks ago and I loved it and wanted to play the earlier ones. Then our internet connection died while 2 was downloading and I forgot about it.
I bought the Uncharted Dual Pack a week ago or so. The second game is amazing... the first one, not nearly as much. >>; Still worth it though, if you ask me. EDIT: Picked up Lightning: Requiem of the Goddess, Sazh: Heads or Tails, the PuPu coliseum fight, and the Ezio outfit for Final Fantasy XIII-2 yesterday. Also, my friend gave me a code to download the first Prototype on the 360. EDIT EDIT: Team Fortress 2, Alliance of Valiant Arms, and Left 4 Dead 2, all for PC. EDIT EDIT EDIT: Picked up Far Cry and Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition for PC today, sine they're bundled together for less than $5 on Steam today. Also, someone else post on here for once. xD
The last game I personally bought was Amnesia: The dark decent. I've always wanted to try it out, but I'm still hesitant about playing it because I really don't like jump scares.
I bought Final Fantasy XIII-2 on Sunday. I've been holding off on buying it, but it was $20 at Gamestop so I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet. Hopefully it won't disappoint.