I've been watching the final season of Person of Interest on TV as they came. There's only two more episodes left, but it's getting really good and I'm not sure at all what to expect, although I'm wondering about the episode titles, I'm not sure if they're spoilers enough or not.
I expect most of the remainder of Team Machine to not make it through these remaining two episodes of the series. Except, hopefully not Finch. I would love for Finch to reunite with Grace in Italy, but I doubt a happy ending is in the cards. Especially with Root!Machine now in his ear. I also hope Shaw gets revenge for Root. Fusco is a cockroach though, let's be real. He's gonna out live 'em all. And Bear, of course. The dog's gotta be safe lol
Yeah, it's going to be very interesting after loosing Root, and I do hope that Shaw gets revenge and doesn't succumb to the idea in her head that she might just be in another of Samaritan's simulations. I'm not sure what to think of an ending for Finch, but given that he has basically gone rogue at this point means that anything can happen. Having Finch and Grace reunite would be a very nice ending, but I'm not sure if it'd be asking much. As for Fusco, I'm not sure what to say. He's kinda flopped back and forth between helping and not helping, although he seems to have turned around now that he knows what's going on.
OKAY so I just watched the finale and it was really touching tbh, although I'm actually very surprised that The Machine essentially managed to save itself and keep an open ending to the show so that it can be continued someday down the road. Especially with the team in Washington that was shown not long ago, I'm sure I see a potential spinoff of the show a few years down the road.
It was a very touching episode, largely due to the music - which was spot on. And I called Finch and Grace in Italy, so hurrah. I'd love to see it return some day, via Netflix or HBO or similar. But I dunno. I mean, lots of shows (for better or worse) have resurfaced in recent years. 24, X-Files, Arrested Development, soon Prison Break. If it happens, it won't be by CBS' hand; that's for sure. All depends on the long-tail of this thing. Eventual box set releases, WGN's ongoing syndication, and that the series is finally available for streaming in some places, every little bit helps. I got four people at my workplace to start watching it this week even.
Yeah, the music was more then perfect, especially the shootout on the rooftop near the end of the episode with Finch watching and The Machine shutting down. I was also hoping that I'd see something between Finch and Grace, and it was nice that they tied up that loose end. As for a return on the series, I'd like to see that especially that they left the series open-ended by having Shaw get a call from the revived machine after meeting with Fusco, but I'd be upset to see it only on HBO or Netflix as I can't afford either, although Project Free TV is a great place to go. I think the DVD set is out next month, I've considered picking it up.
And now I've got a fifth person at my workplace checking it out this week. Come on, Geoff, hop on the bandwagon~ And watch The Dark Knight already, dammit. As for the show, there's certainly more story to tell even if we don't know what it would be. The creators had indicated they had envisioned at least three acts - of which we got only two. It still wrapped up pretty cleanly though. I can't imagine what a larger threat could have been in the third act, the stakes were insanely high and hard to top in the second.
Spent my weekend watching Netflix's new show "Stranger Things". Similar to season one for "True Detective", this is probably not something I'll ever rewatch, but it was super good and I thoroughly enjoyed it. A wonderful stew of 80s Spielberg, Carpenter, and King works. With a sprinkling of Twin Peaks and X-Files. There's an adult angle (Close Encounters of the Third Kind?), a teenage angle (kinda John Hughes-ish), and a kid angle (The Goonies. Or, Stand By Me). It's like... E.T., if E.T. was a girl with supernatural powers like Carrie. I loved all this, and it pulled off the retro vibe much more satisfyingly than Abrams did with Super 8