Ben Affleck is going to play Bruce Wayne/Batman in Superman Vs. Batman. Wow. Seems like an odd choice to me but maybe he'll surprise us like Heath Ledger did (people thought that was poor casting initially too but look how that turned out). Also, edited the list to include Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and Ant-Man.
I'm not interested in The World's Finest. I also wasn't interested in Man of Steel But, I wanted to see what WB was going to do with Batman now that the The Dark Knight trilogy and Nolanverse has come to a close. I was hoping because Nolan had a producer role in Man of Steel and is helping shape that DC Cinematic Universe behind the scenes that it wouldn't play off of the other films and we'd see Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake as the new Batman. Maybe in a Batman Beyond type thing. But, nope. And so I do not care
Ben Affleck is at his best when he's behind the camera. He's won awards for screenwriting and directing, not acting. Hopefully this turns out well. Also, weren't they going for an older version of Bruce Wayne/Batman for this film? Ben Affleck is not that old.
Edited the list to remove Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, as that was pushed to 2016. Added Jurassic World in its place. Yes, that's right. Jurassic WORLD!
I... well. It's better than sticking a 4 on the end but somehow I'm still trying not to get my hopes up for it, haha. (I will still go see it opening day anyway. eeeee jurassic park)
"Okay, so we screwed up with this dino thing three tims now. Oh, I know! Let's put dinos everywhere! " I'm kinda tempted to think this isn't actually "world" related. But just... a larger park. Like Disney *World*
I... I hadn't even considered the possibility that the movie didn't imply "World" as in "Disney World" kind of meaning.
Edited the list to remove Finding Dory, as that was pushed to 2016. Added Pixar's The Good Dinosaur in its place.