If you want to know more about Tomorrowland and Inside Out, check out the trailers if you haven't already. Tomorrowland Inside Out
So the Summer movie season is over. Which movies did you see? I saw: Jurassic World Avengers: Age of Ultron Ant-Man (My favourite) Mr. Holmes Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (My least favourite. Really wasn't memorable)
I saw...absolutely nothing! I literally haven't been to the movies since the first Hunger Games, which is really sad because there are plenty of movies I'd actually like to see. Inside Out was supposedly phenomenal, so I'll probably pick it up when it comes out on Blu-ray. But oh well, I'm sure I'll go see Star Wars in theatres.
Quoting, since I saw the same movies as you I'll agree with Ant-Man for the favourite. Mr. Holmes after that. But, Age of Ultron was my least favourite of that batch. Rogue Nation is close Bring on Spectre and Star Wars! EDIT: I'm also interested in Bridge of Spies, although I don't know much about it