How many people are obsessed with this game? I know a lot of my friends can't get enough of it...but I've tried it and just really don't see the appeal. I might give it another try though soon.
I've played it a couple times and it really doesn't interest me. It seems like a game you play when you've run out of things to do.
I tried it and didn't get the appeal at all until Aegis made me do a level for him on his iPhone when he was here the other month and... and I've been addicted ever since. ._.; I'm not even close to finishing the original or Seasons on my phone, which is nice since it means I'm in no danger of running out of them, but augggh once you're addicted, it keeps you up at night. :P
I've tried it (I have it actually, played it once), but I don't get it. If I wanted to play Boom Blox then I'd play Boom Blox. But Angry Birds is not fun and it's annoying.
I have finished the first one. Not with all stars but just the "maps" But then I had to update my phone and now I cant play on it because its hard for it to control the update so it uses alot of power/strength on it.
I'm not really obsessed with it, but I enjoy playing it. Angry Birds Seasons pisses me off though, it's a bit harder than the other.
It's a pretty cool game. My friends are quite obsessed with it too and I bought it to see what all the hoo-hah was about. It certainly is enjoyable but not something to be obsessed over in my opinion. It's quite challenging, especially when you get to the last levels.
It's a cool little game but I'm not obsessed with it at all. It's gets boring after awhile but you can easily blow an hour or so playing it.
My best friend is addicted to it, but I just end up getting bored and frustrated whilst playing it :/