Have you ever borrowed a game before? How significant were those gaming experiences for you? Did you borrow them for so long that they basically became your game? Or for such a short time that you didn't really get to play it? Were you introduced to games you wouldn't have played otherwise? Did you borrow games you already liked? Back in the NES days I borrowed a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game from one of my neighbours from time to time. Never longer than a day, never really got far. But, much appreciated since I only had 3 or 4 NES games Borrowed a different Ninja Turtles game from a different friend. Maybe a week at a time, but I still didn't get far. I don't think it had a save feature. I also borrowed Super Mario Bros. 3 and... The Legend of Zelda. My first experience with the series! On the Nintendo 64 I borrowed GoldenEye 007 and F-1 World Grand Prix from my uncle so often and for such long periods of time that they were practically mine. I think I had them in my possession for a longer period than they were in my uncle's. I borrowed the first Phoenix Wright title from Cherrim and that was my introduction to the series ^__^
I sometimes borrow games from my friend. I usually will borrow just to see if I like the game before I actually buy the game. The last game I borrowed was Left 4 Dead 2. I loved that game so much that I than just decided to buy it.
I borrow games here and there. This actually reminds me I borrowed FFX from a friend since my copy was scratched and wouldn't let me past a certain point and I should probably go back to that playthrough and finish it so I can give it back before the end of summer. >_>;; Then lately I seem to have taken to borrowing Tales games from an online friend I see once or twice a year. Last year I borrowed Tales of Eternia since he got it when he was in Europe. This year I returned that game and I'm borrowing Radiant Mythology 2, which I haven't touched yet due to obtaining RM1 a few weeks ago. And I've also got Halo: Reach from him which I need to hurry up and finish to mail back. Hmm, I think otherwise, all the games I borrow are usually just me stealing a roommate's game for a while if they aren't playing it so I can give it a try. :P Played Bayonetta, GTA4, and a few others that way. I try to borrow games I know I'd like but can't afford or obtain easily... or just plain don't want to spend money on. And the only game I haven't beaten while borrowing is GTA4 because it was so long and I was so bad at it and only roomed with that guy for 4 months. :(
I never borrow games. I'm the type of person that likes to have a game library of my own and be able to pick up and play a game whenever I want...plus not many of my offline friends are gamers anyway.
I don't know, and I don't really remember if I have, but I kinda doubt it. I was never really the type to "borrow" games and whatnot, I would always rather own games myself and whatnot, plus I wouldn't have to worry about a set time or day that I would have to give something back, anyway. xD