So... Looks like Kotaku has leaked a pretty large amount of information relating to Modern Warfare 3. They've got multiplayer maps, campaign levels, the entire campaign story, and more. What do you think of the game, based on this information? I'm skeptical about it, seeing as how Infinity Ward needed two other developers to help them out (Though, alternatively, that could be a good thing; just look at the latest Assassin's Creed games), but at the same time, it looks like another Call of Duty game I'll play. I'm gonna wait for more info before I firmly decide.
I like the idea of fighting on American soil in familiar places, but was really disappointed with that part of MW2 - I thought that it really wasted all that potential. I'm not really a big fan of the CoD series, but I'm sure I'll wind up getting MW3 anyway - depends on how it looks by November.
After getting burned 2 years in a row with CoD games (as far as multiplayer) I'm not getting my hopes up for this one. In fact what I want most from this game is the singleplayer story (thus why I haven't read anything on the leaks). I'll get it launch day, and I'll likely play it a ton, but as far as multiplayer goes they have a lot to fix.
I'm quite excited for the release of Modern Warfare 3 and, as a Call of Duty fan, I can't wait to see what new features it has in store for us. Those of us who have played Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 know that the series certainly has a brilliantly fun single player (and Spec Ops with regards to Modern Warfare 2). However the multiplayer, while being fun, was also very broken. Call of Duty 4 is so hacked that I'm scared to be put into a lobby where I am instantly de-ranked to level 1. Although Infinity Ward are planning a fix, four years is too long in my eyes to release what the likes of Treyarch and Bungee would release in a week. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, as most of you know, is swarmed with the overpowered explosives which make the game unbearable. The rare times when you do have a lobby which no one spams One Man Army and Grenade Launchers, the game actually is actually a lot of fun to play. But, as I said above, this is quite rare. Robert Bowling, the community manager of Infinity Ward, has promised that Infinity Ward has changed its ways and will be on task in updating any security breaches or unbalanced gameplay aspects. If they managed to do this in the multiplayer for Modern Warfare 3 and keep the fun aspect of the pervious titles, release an amazing singleplayer (which, to be honest, they haven't failed yet), and add great little ideas (such as Theatre Mode and Spec Ops) then Modern Warfare 3 looks like it's going to be the best and most balanced Call of Duty ever. Lets just hope that they fufil this momentous task. Oh, and most of the details that were apparently 'leaked' in that article were wrong. Only one or two ideas were right and, honestly, most people who have played Call of Duty long enough would be able to guess them.
I'm really hyped for this game actually, i've recently gotten back into MW2 and am now dying to finish off the story. Plus there's the fact that the G36C (fave cod4 gun) is making a return to the multiplayer. I'm hoping they keep the pace and style of mw2 but implement the attatchments and perks of black ops, that would be pretty cool.
I just hope that they make it interesting. MW2 had so much potential with the whole attack on Washington, but they really dropped the ball by only letting you go through like...two buildings (even if the White House was one of them). The gameplay footage we saw at E3 looked really boring and generic, so hopefully the rest of the game is a bit more inspired.
I'm really excited for MW3. Being a big fan of CoD 4 and MW2, I was really disappointed with Black Ops. Could definitely use some new material after two years playing MW2.
I'm really, really excited for MW3. I haven't done much research about it at all (I never do- it may prove a bad idea, but oh well). I thought MW2 was fantastic, so I'm really looking forward to the third installment. I just hope it's as good as I found the first two :3
I'm not too big on MW3 and I'm going with BF3. I just found out today that MW3 will also be released for the Nintendo DS but not the 3DS. Pretty interesting decision.
I've done a bit of research, but this early on it really doesn't make much of a difference. There's a couple videos up of the campaign-it pretty much looks like MW2, with slightly upgraded graphics. At the start of September there's going to be a multiplayer reveal, I can't wait.