My mom would diiiie if I'd owned a GTA game. I think she disapproved when I borrowed GTA4 from my roommate the other year and I was well above the age for M-rated games. I remember once when I was in high school, my mom got my brother Primal for PS2 for his birthday and he was turning... 10 or something? She had been recommended it by the clerk and was just aghast when I pointed out the rating. XD She let me play through it before he could touch it though, to see if it was ~appropriate~ and that's the only time she let me play anything of the like.
Grand Theft Auto 3 was my game when I was like 14. Right up there next to Neopets: The Darkest Faerie. lmao. Vice City was a good game, too, but after that it went down hill. Then again, I kind of stopped playing it after I played San Andreas for a bit.
Uh-huh. If you say so. ;( I could never get into any of the plots of Neopets. For me it was always just a mindless minigame/virtual pet site.
I remember when my uncle was taking care of me while my aunt went to get some groceries from Walmart and I was like...7 okay, lol. And he went to the computer to look up some cheats for Vice City and he was like "here you can play while I go look up some stuff" and lmao I was sooo stupid. I didn't know what to do. :[ I just ran around like an idiot. btw nick you were a shunned child. I knew what Mortal Kombat was (whoa almost typed Morkula Kombat) since I was like...4.