Almost six months later and I still have no intention of fixing that. :P Going on a trip Wednesday-Saturday. Packing is a pain in the ass, especially when I won't be home all day tomorrow to do it and I'm going to have to do laundry when I get home tomorrow night.
Don't worry Geoff, we can band together and fight off the swarms of enemies. Although I do kind of want to see it. It's just one of those movies I never saw for one reason or another.
My parents tried to make me see the original once and I honestly couldn't last more than like 10 min. I have no desire to see the original or the sequel lmao
Hey, we've never seen The Godfather series, or a Quinten Tarantino movie (well actually I've seen one), or a Terminator movie, or Alien(s). I'm sure there are other iconic movies that we haven't seen but these are the ones I can think of right now.
lol I at least want to see those though :P They're on that movie to-do list I made, remember? Anyway, six month old movie discussion aside. This is the Daily Chit Chat. What are you all up to?
In E3 hell. :P Seriously, I've never been so overwhelmed with an E3 in my life. Being out of town Wed-Sat last week and being at work from 6:30am-10pm yesterday caused me to have zero time to prepare, and plus I've been fighting staying awake all day. Still have some news to catch up on posting too.
what's the most exciting thing that happened to everyone this week??? I went to a beer festival on Sunday and got completely wasted (I didn't realize my last beer of the night was 9%.... REGRET) and then was out at an amusement park all day Monday. The exciting part though?? I barely got sunburnt!! I only applied sunscreen once on Sunday and only like 5 times on Monday and I came out of it with a slightly red face and my neckline is a little burnt but considering how easily I get utterly destroyed in sunlight, that's nothing short of amazing.