Well maybe he will be after this weekend. We made him help us on the final boss since it was like 4am and we had no ammo going into it. And he mentioned your hard mode playthroughs so just start bugging him. 8D
RE5 is the only one I've played. My brother has played RE4 and I helped him with that, and the other RE games are too old for my taste. But if they remake them in RE4/5 style then I'll get them in a heartbeat. The reason why I liked RE5 so much was due to co-op, I LOVE co-op games.
I've always sorta gotten the gist of the games and I love biohazardous plots and stuff, but I just never got around to playing any. Old games don't bother me in the least... I practically live off handheld games which never look or handle as well as console/PC games so playing older things doesn't feel that much different to me. n_n; But I agree, the best part of RE5 was definitely the co-op.
I don't know how Erica would make it through a RE game without Terra Chris there to remind her to COME ON. XD Or mourn the loss of her (15 seconds later).
This is also true. :( That was totally the best part. >both characters sitting on a boat >person in front dies >good 10 seconds later >"SHEVA!!!!!!!"
Sheva just seemed annoying. And everything I've heard from people that have played is that she's a really boring character.
Well to be fair, neither of them really had much of a personality. Out of the two I'd say Sheva was the more competent one by far lol. By the end I liked them both though.