Anyone here play Draw Something? If so, discuss it here. And yeah, not much else to say about it. It's Pictionary on your phone. I hope I get enough coins to buy other colours soon :X
:x I upgraded from the free app to the ad-free one so I've gotten enough coins to buy two or three of the colour packs. (Finally got *brown* today, finally. @_@) Add me, people! Username's Whimsicott ('cause Cherrim was taken).
I play! :3 My username for it is either Lukar115 or Rhys115, probably the latter. Be warned, though: my phone's screen is tiny, and I can't draw worth crap with my finger. I need to buy a stylus.
You username is Rhys115. :P Started a game with you! I know what you mean about the stylus. I really want one too but the only ones I've seen that aren't like $20 (which I will not pay since I'd only use it with this game which only cost me $1 xD) are more for tablets so they have really large nibs which, honestly, are not any better than my finger. :(
I play! My username is SonicThrust just like here. So not good at drawing but I seem to be okay at getting what I'm trying to draw across.
I don't like using the finer tipped pencils. I can't see what I'm drawing for one thing because my finger is covering it. And it ends up with lots of gaps in the line. I have to use the bigger ones
I've wanted to try this game but just haven't downloaded it on my phone. Not too keen on the idea of having to make another account, and I'm not sure I want to use Facebook because I'm not big on Facebook apps.
Yeah, my account isn't connected to my Facebook at all. I mean, I kind of wish I had because there's one person on my list who did and he has an avatar [his fb profile pic, I guess] which makes me feel so naked for not having one myself. XD;