Soul Calibur V is now on my list of games to look forward too! I am looking forward to seeing that trailer.
I'm looking forward to playing LoZ: Skyward Sword, Batman: Arkham City, and most of all Mass Effect 3. I recently played Mass Effect 2 and it's now my favourite game of all time.
Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle, I've been impressed by the previous Layton games and this one seems even better than its predecessors, so I imagine it will be worth my money. If you haven't already guessed, from my avatar, I'm also anticipating the release of Kid Icarus: Uprising.
On console? Just Batman: Arkham City, I think. I am looking forward to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, of course. It's a new Zelda title. But, I'm not yet hyped up or pumped up for it.
I am looking forward to 'The Last Guardian' and the 'ICO HD Collection'. I love the first two ICO games and I just hope I can love the third installment as much.
Pretty much the only game I really really want is Uncharted 3. There are other games out there like Gears 3, Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, VS Final Fantasy XIII, and a few others I can't think of right now. I used to be all "OMG!!!!" over a game, but over the past year or three I'd get a game I wanted for awhile and it'd just sit there.
E3 usually gives me a ton of games to put on my wish list. But this year there really weren't any - Mass Effect 3 looks incredible and my interest has shot up in that, but as far as new game announcements E3 was sorely lacking. I'd say of the few new games announced, Overstrike has my interest the most. I want to see more gameplay footage, but it seems really funny and the co-op focus sounds really promising. Plus Insomniac is a great developer, so the game has really piqued my interest.
Arkham city, modern warfare 3, the MGS HD collection, uncharted 3, skyrim and I guess battlefield 3 maybe
New game I am looking forward to is the HD re-release of Silent Hill 2 + 3. That is going to be an epic day for me!