As you guys have noticed, my presence on the forums has been diminished recently and the site hasn't been updated in about two weeks, so I think that I owe you guys an explanation. I've had a case of uveitis - basically an inflammation of my left eye. For about a week I was legally blind in that eye, but now it's being treated and it's improving. With the combination of the loss of sight, pain, and swelling in that eye, I obviously haven't really been up to the task of keeping 4P up. However, as I said, I'm being treated (steroid eye drops, yay!) and I'm up to returning to my normal activity on the forums. Over the weekend I'll be updating the site with all the news we've missed over the last couple weeks, and regular site updates will be resuming, as well as the addition of new content. Thanks for understanding, and thank you all who kept posting even while I've been on hiatus! Let's get 4P rolling again and make it even better than it was before!
Like Geoff, my activity has been down. This is due to me settling into my new job and I haven't had the motivation to do much posting recently, but this is soon to change. As they say, watch this space. I am sorry for being inactive!
*sadface* that sucks to hear Geoff, I hope your eye gets much better and everything improves. Sorry I haven't been around much, bro. Anyway, this site does need more promotion. To Twitter!