This is a game that I love. It's called Fruit Ninja for iOS and Android. It's a game where fruit is thrown up ready to be sliced in half. It's so addicting yet so simple, so hard to master yet so easy to learn. What are your thoughts on this game?
I have Fruit Slice, which is pretty much a free clone of Fruit Ninja. It's awesome and a great pick-up-and-play type game when you have a few free minutes - probably my #1 time killer on my phone.
I know, whenever I'm just standing somewhere I just whip it out and play a few rounds. I really love the interesting fruit facts once you finish a round.
I just downloaded it on my phone yesterday and I already unlocked every blade and backdrop (except for the one where you have to play Zen mode consecutively for 5 days). So yeah it's very short but also very fun.
O_O How long did you play? I got this game a while ago and only play when I'm pretty bored and away from the computer and stuff and have like half of them unlocked.
I think I played for about an hour to an hour and a half. I purposely went after the unlockables, so I would read the criteria and then go from there. Once I unlocked it I would go after the next one. I didn't really play just to beat my high score.
I play it on my iPad. When I had my iPhone my high score was 1300 in Arcade mode, Never have I gotten close to that again. This game is great - I wish I didn't have to disable iOS 5's multitouch gestures to play it to the best of my ability though. You know that red fruit that comes up at the end of Arcarde? I just put both my hands on the screen and slash widely!
Of the mobile hits... Angry Birds, Plants VS. Zombies, Fruit Ninja, etc. This is the only one I actually like. It's a lot of fun.
:/ I played a minute or two of this on a classmate's phone last week and it... was really boring for me, haha. I guess it just felt too much like the fruit slicing mini-game on Rhythm Heaven which I liked precisely because it was a rhythm game so this just felt pointless to me. The guy whose phone I was using had a high score of something like 400 though so that was kind of impressive.
Fruit Ninja is literally the only game I have on my phone lol. It's the only one I can actually get into, I love it SO much. I'm terrible at it, but I find it fun lol My sister has an Android and she downloaded an identical version of it called "Ninja Caca" or something like that. I lol'd very very hard when I heard about that.