The big battle of smartphones...which one do you prefer? I didn't really like Android when I first started using it, but once I got used to it I actually like it better than iOS. It's slicker and a lot more open/free. It just has a bit of a learning curve.
I pretty much can't stand iOS. I honestly think; though, that it's because of my "android nature". I've had an android phone for almost 3 years now and it all just makes sense to me. When I pick up an iPhone I'm just like "what the hell am I doing!??!!?" :P
iOS in my opinion is much better. Andriod needs another year before I think it will be amazing and be a contender.
I prefer Android. I'm all for simplicity but all iOS is is an app drawer. The operating system itself may have more apps and games and such but the actual operating system is lacking so much. Whereas Android has a home page where you can put widgets, it also has an app drawer so already it's one upped iOS. Also before the iPhone 4 was released iOS didn't even have the ability of multitasking whereas Android had been doing that since 1.something. I think people mistake comparing the OS with comparing the app store.
I like both almost equally, but for different reasons. Android is good because of its openness and customization. However, it's bad because there aren't a whole lot of useful apps/games, at least not compared to Apple's App Store. Meanwhile, iOS is the exact opposite for me. I love it for having a lot of really fun games and useful apps, but unless you jailbreak it, there's not a whole lot you can do with it. Overall, I like Android more, but I do wish it had more games. I'd love to be able to play Dead Space, Assassin's Creed II: Discovery, and Final Fantasy III on my phone.
iOS is much simpler to use, I prefer that immensely. My sister has an Android and I have an iPhone, and I've tried playing around with hers and it just came to no avail. Besides that, the iPhone app store is that much bigger, my sister is always running into things she wants and cannot get.
iOS is much better. Girlfriend has Android and always seems to have trouble with it. I've barely ever had a twitch of an issue with iOS, so I just prefer it much more.
I am definitely a big Android fanboy. I've rooted my phone, flashed numerous custom ROMs... I just love the feeling of freedom that I have when I use my device. Besides, Apple is kind of evil... more so than Google!
I'd root this crappy Samsung firmware off of here if I could. iOS is a ludicrous proposition for me as I've solemnly sworn that I will never, voluntarily use an Apple product. I like to sell that stuff when it gets on my hands, and I won't rule out buying them for merchanting purposes. Hell will freeze over before I use them, that's all :)
I am sick of my phone. Get alerts about it being out of space all the time, so I can never update apps on it. Recently, I've just scaled back everything. Uninstalling apps. I'm down to stock and a few essential apps I've downloaded. And still it complaints. It'd be nice if I could download things freely and experiment. A couple weeks ago my Gmail app stopped working. Would fail on sync and cause a popup every minute or so. Drained the battery quick and would freeze whatever I was doing at the time. I dropped all my accounts and resync them up and solved it. But now my calendar service isn't working. Doesn't show anything I've added to my calendar since August @__@ Oh, my camera too. That's prone to hanging on startup and causing the phone to reboot. Effectively, my phone is just a Twitter box So useless, I can't wait till February when I'm out of this contract and I can get a new phone. I like Android, but I'd probably just get it straight from Google instead going forward. Samsung is nice hardware but screws up everything else.