Anyone want one? What do you think about it? I'm really impressed with Siri - it looks amazing and it seems like it responds really well to a lot of commands/questions. Other than that, the redesign looks fairly lackluster. Not enough to get me to switch from my Android phone.
OhmygodIwantonesoooooobaaaaaaaaad The screen is as sexy as ever, Siri looks to be useful and entertaining. Not to mention that it has a lot of great apps thanks to iOS.
Looks pretty awesome. I like the improvements. Siri is really impressive. It's a nice addiction and will hopefully be useful.
I think the only thing I would ever use Siri for is to ask it ridiculous questions and see the answers. D: I've seen a bunch of screencaps of sassy replies from it and I'd love to see if they're true, haha.
I'm pretty sure they're all true - I've got a friend with an iPhone 4S and he's posted some screencaps of things he's asked her, and she's pretty witty.
I reaaaaaaaly want one. /Still has a 3GS It's just sleeker than what I've got. Better design, Facetime, iOs5, etc. Do want.
I have an iPhone 4 and I really want one lol. Facetime means nothing to me, but a combination of Siri and the better camera are enough to draw my interest. Geoff, I would think having an Android phone would be enough to get you to switch from your Android phone :P