Which do you prefer? I know desktops are more powerful, and the price-to-performance ratio is a lot better than that of a laptop, but I couldn't live without the portability. I'll gladly pay a little bit more for me to be able to pick my laptop up, take it to work with me, move around the house, lie down on my bed or the couch and use it, and not be confined to sitting at a desk all the time I want to use my computer. And I can still play pretty much any game I want on my laptop, not that I'm that big of a PC gamer.
I've got a desktop and I love it. It's not a super powerful one. I think it was only around $600. But it plays everything I need it to, it's easy to upgrade, and I just feel so much better about it than I did my last major laptop, which was a piece of crap from HP may they burn in hell. I haaate trying to game on a laptop and my desktop does dual-screen even better than my laptops ever did, so it's pretty much ideal for me. I also die a little without portability, but I have a netbook that I used almost exclusively for a year before I got my desktop. :/ Only upgraded because the stuff I was doing in school was too memory-intensive (shouldn't have been, but it was xD) for my netbook to handle. Now that I have a smartphone, I really don't use my netbook for much at all. I keep it by my bed so that if I don't want to get out of bed but need a computer rather than my phone, I can use it.
I have a desktop and a laptop at the moment. I really prefer my desktop, it's so much easier to play games and watch videos on it rather than my laptop. My laptop is pretty weak performance wise (on top of getting there in age) so I only use it for web surfing and so on when I don't want to sit at my desk. I also hear so much about how Macs are safer than PCs so I use my laptop for anything related to school or banking, etc.
I prefer laptops because of the mobility but I like that you get more for your money when you buy a desktop.
I prefer desktops in general. The separate keyboard, the mouse as opposed to the touchpad, etc. It'd be really sweet if I could get a laptop for my room, though, mmm.
Right now I prefer Laptop because I just got a new nice one. But I also love Desktops because of the strength.
I currently have a laptop and have for a while now. I game too much on the PC and it overheats too easily. I'll be getting a desktop to replace it at the end of this summer. (Hoping to buyout my sister's laptop for class notes etc. as well so I can have both :))
I currently have a laptop and I love the portability. I can sit anywhere in the house with it, bring it out with me, or sit outside. Although desktops are generally more powerful, it's not like you can't buy powerful laptops. To me, the extra money is worth the portability and convenience that a laptop provides.
I have both a desktop and a laptop, but the desktop is so much faster than my laptop that I pretty much can not stand using my laptop at all. Desktops are also so good to watch videos on them especially the sound quality. Portability is good, but my school has a lot of computers so I don't really need my laptop.
I agree, laptops have generally piss-poor built-in sound quality, but I'd rather listen to things with my earbuds anyway. Better quality and you don't disturb other people.