What's your preference? Do you stay up all night and wake up in the middle of the day, or are you the "early to bed, early to rise" type of person? Personally, I hate mornings. I stay up until at least 2 or 3 every morning and sleep until 10 or 11. Since I can do most of my work from home I don't really have to wake up early and go to work at a specific time.
I hate mornings so much, I haven't seen one in a while! Seriously, I've been getting up past noon everyday for almost weeks now, give or take a few days here and there. :[ I stay up until 2 at the latest unless my insomnia kicks in so it's not like I stay up really late. But I hate mornings either way and dread when I go back to school or start working again. ;_; Hate mornings so much.
Neither really. I don't usually feel tired at night or before I go to bed unless I've had a busy day. And in the morning, I'm not any different than I am the rest of the day. I go to bed between 1AM and 2AM usually and wake up between 7AM and 8AM. If I have to pick, I'd say I'm a morning person. If you don't really have a nightlife, night is awfully boring XD So, I just go to bed out of boredom usually instead of being tired.
Night for sure. I stay up late and wake up in the early afternoon. The times I have to get up in the morning I'm usually either a zombie or a total jerk lol, so I try to just sleep through them.
I'm usually a night person. I find night time a lot more peaceful and I manage to get a lot of the things that I want to get done done during the night time. But I've been slowly getting back onto a normal sleeping schedule for most people, so I can't say I've stayed up late all too much recently. I really like the way the morning looks at a certain hour when the sun comes up, and I really don't tend to have a problem with getting up all that much, but I'd much rather be up at night. I tend to just close myself in the house during the day because I don't like being out in the sun. x____x
Went Vampiric mode. So night time i roam the streets....kidding, I play games and talk to people of interest all night!
I used to be a late to bed, early to rise person... but that ended up taking too much energy after a long period of time :P. So now I go to sleep around 3-4am and get up at 10-11am. I loved being a morning person, but the way the rest of my family are makes it easier for me to be a night person to avoid them :P