Anyone have any usernames that irritate you a bit? For me anything with leet, sniper, or with xX(name here)Xx. I do not know why, but those usernames are blasphemous.
This is a part of my old 360 bio "If you have MLG, Prodigy, Skillz, Snipe, Merked, Clutch, Legit, iTz, a bunch of lowercase I's or X's before and/or after your name, if you run your mouth when you have little to no kills, brag about your Turtle Beach, then chances are you're a bad player" To add on to that people with GamerTags like "MLG Pr0 SkiLLzz" (an alt of mine to make fun of them people) where it's a cap and then lowercase and then cap and then lowercase. I also dislike "HD", "Optic", "xX(name here)Xx", "Reflex", or ones with a bunch of "zzzz" after their name. These names are done to death and unoriginal. I've been in rooms where there'd be 3 people with "Prodigy" in their tag and they weren't in a party, each one joined the room at a different time, but yet 3 had "Prodigy". And I've also seen it with "Skillz" and "Snipe", and a few others. People who have "Snipe" can't snipe, people who have "Reflex" have piss poor reflexes, people who have "Clutch" couldn't pull off a 1v2 to save their life, people who have "MLG" yea you're real MLG with that 0.76 K/D. They're just bad players trying to cover up for the fact that they're bad. My little rant for the night.
its also less of a username and more about mw2 call signs but what gets me the most is dbags who have {W33D} as a clan tag followed by that stupid "Joint Ops" title
My favourite kinds of usernames are classy, one-word, capital in the front, lower-case for the rest names. Or a few words, whatever. But I hate aLtErNaTiNg caps, ALL CAPS, w0rds w1th numbers, and so on. To be honest, I don't mind the xXusernameXx ones all that much. At least they're easier on the eyes than most.
My GamerTag has a 1 in place of an "L". ;.; Yea, I hate the weed clan tag, as well as the emblem/title. "Dude... look at me, I have weed as my clan tag... I'm so edgy...".
Pretty much what's been said above for me. Most usernames with alternating capital letters or a bunch of Zs or Xs is pretty annoying. Also when people don't use caps, like for example if somebody had "tonic shrust" as their username that would be pretty annoying. :( Also when people try to make their username really suggestive but not at the same time. I've seen lots of those in WoW, those are just dumb imo.
I like some lowercase names. Sometimes I even go for that if the way it's displayed on the site/whatever just looks better in lowercase. I can't really think of any examples right now though. looool