The New 3DS XL is coming to North America on February 13, the same day that Majora's Mask 3D releases. It seems that GameStop will be offering $100 for 3DS XLs and $75 for original 3DSes if you trade up to the New 3DS. If you haven't been keeping up, the New 3DS has improved face-tracking 3D so there's no longer a limited "sweet spot." There's also a second analog nub, two additional shoulder buttons, and NFC built-in. Additionally, the New 3DS has faster processing power for boot/load times, and developers will be able to use this power to create N3DS-exclusive games, the first of which is a port of Xenoblade coming in April. Is anyone planning to upgrade, or are you happy with your current 3DS?
I am interested in the New!3DS, but the one we're not getting here in North America :( The smaller one (yet still larger than the original 3DS) with the interchangeable faceplates. I don't really want a New!3DS to begin with, I see it as a DSi of sorts. But I certainly don't want the XL! I hate all the XLs. So damn big. But the face tracking is such a nice feature. And I've seen some really nice faceplates that I would have gone for (glow-in-the-dark Boos! o.o), but alas we won't be seeing those here. Also Super Famicom-styled coloured buttons, apparently North America doesn't like such nice things. :X I would only upgrade if a New!3DS exclusive EAD Tokyo developed Mario, any Zelda game, a good Metroid game is released as an exclusive title. Otherwise, I don't think so. Or, as it's me... if I find a fantastic price error to take advantage of.
Yeah, the fact that we're only getting the XL is ridiculous. I have an XL, and I much prefer it to the godawful original 3DS, but I also find it to be way too big at times. The New 3DS seems to be just the right size - a little bigger than the old one but not as huge as the XL - and the faceplates and matte finish were a definite selling point. If I had a choice, I'd get the regular New 3DS. That said, I still might take advantage of the trade offer since I have an old 3DS and XL lying around. No charger though...that's a wtf decision too.
I would have been fairly interested in the regular version. The faceplates are the #1 selling point to me and without them, I am literally not interested at all. They would have to release a Kingdom Hearts game that makes use of one of the N3DS's features to make me buy one now... and I mean even then I'd just import. :P But seriously, why is NA the only region not getting the faceplate model? Why would you upgrade otherwise, wtf? I want cute faceplates! I've already spent like ¥1500 on themes for my 3DS, of course I'll throw money at them for outer themes as well. The no charger thing is kind of weird but it's been that way in Japan for so long I'm not surprised. Besides, pretty much anyone getting an N3DS does already have a 3DS so it's not like you don't have a charger lying around already... I know I have at least 3 compatible chargers in my house, so getting more would probably just be a hassle.
Oh, I forgot about the lack of charger. That'd be an inconvenience here since my brother and I share our current 3DS, so we would be getting a second charger in the process likely. It's not a huge expense, but it is something. Look at these cool face plates we're not getting ;( I would have done this on a white model. I think it looks subtle and classy. Or, this bad boy right here on a black model: [media][/media] I've been looking at the regular new!3DS and faceplates a lot lately because a co-worker has been bouncing ideas off me lol They're planning on importing one.
We only getting the XL iiis pretty much a bummer cost wise, haha.. but it seems to be selling well already since EBGames/Gamestop sold out of the limited edition ones in a matter of moments, ugh. I was actually interested on getting the Majora's Mask edition one too, but yeah, the charger is another thing; I understand that they want to be more cost efficient with that, but what if people don't already have a 3DS charager? @_@ They're making a whoooole lotta assumptions on that. I kinda wanna wait until there's better colors of if the limited edition bundles are back in stock before getting it, but eh!
Okay seriously, maybe this is a good thread to ask this: can someone explain to me why Nintendo is so terrible at supply/demand??? This MM edition N3DS is just yet another disappointment in a long line of "here's a cool thing, so we're barely going to make any of them." What gives?! To be honest, at least this N3DS is supposed to be limited, so I can understand why they're only making a few of them (although the fact that preorders sold out everywhere within hours should have been the green light to up the initial allotment), but why has Nintendo been so bad at this lately? Amiibos can't stay in stock unless they're Luigi or Peach or Pikachu. It feels like they only made like 10 of those Gamecube controller adapters for all of NA even though everyone I know with Smash wanted to play with their GCN controllers and for some reason stores had dozens of the Gamecube controllers themselves, but no adapter. Are they making so few of these things just to fake demand? They should know by now that scalpers are a big deal with their products because Nintendo stuff is fucking impossible to find. They could be making that money themselves by just shipping more product instead of leaving people to scramble in the aftermath. They could make enough product to meet actual demand instead of blowing the knock off accessory market wide open. What on earth are they doing??
Nintendo has a history of faking demand. Back in the NES days where developers/publishers had to purchase cartridges from Nintendo in set amounts in advance of production, Nintendo "exaggerated" a chip shortage that by extension caused a cartridge shortage that created a headache for developers who knew they had a hit on their hands (next sequel in popular whatever series) and then could not meet demand. Back then, at least, I can see Nintendo's angle - maintaining an ample supply of their own games over the holidays while limiting competitors. But here, I have no idea how this benefits them. I really wanted the Skull Kid figurine for pre-ordering Majora's Mask 3D. In Canada, that launched at 1-something AM on Amazon to limited quantity and sold out in twenty minutes. Later that week, it was available at EB Games - but in-store only, and again limited stock (like six figurines per store?) and mid-afternoon on a weekday, so I missed that too @___@ No restock in either case. My guess for the GCN controller stuff would be that very likely the Smash-branded controllers they're selling are ancient stock from when they produced white GCN controllers for the Wii, but repainted and repackaged. Whereas the adapters are new builds. Maybe they didn't want to take on the manufacturing expense? Maybe they had a deal with PDP and HORI in place, as they had already licensed them to build GCN-style Classic Controllers by the time they announced the adapter (and HORI's is fantastic, btw. It's what I'm using. And works on other games besides Smash). Maybe it was a way to push desire for the bundled package? With the Amiibos, I think it's multiple things at play. First, they have a "fab five" sort of situation (in Disney Parks, Mickey/Minnie/Donald/Pluto/Goofy make up the bulk of merchandise) - I think Nintendo knows that the Mario Bros., princesses, big bosses, etc, of their main franchises (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon) are going to sell the most. Is there going to be a huge demand of Duck Hunt Dog when that Amiibos is released? Second, phase one of the Amiibos seems to have suffered from some production issues both with production an ample supply and quality-control. Third, maybe it's Nintendo's intention to "reprint" Amiibos as necessary to help promote upcoming games as we're seeing with Fire Emblem for the S.T.E.A.M. game. Lastly, maybe they really just want them to be rare, since later Amiibos of the same character (like the Mario Party series) have the same functionality as their original Smash Amiibo. No benefit to having them all outside of collectability. It sucks all around for fans though :(
And let's not forget the Wii and its shortages for what, a year and a half or two years after release? Honestly, Nintendo's supply/demand antics only benefit the scalpers who buy 50 of every "limited" product and sell it for a 300% markup on eBay. And it's happening way too often now, to the point of being predictable and outright tiresome.
I still just don't really understand why they wouldn't want the money instead of the fake "demand". Does Japan have these same problems? I know people have been ordering their Amiibos and accessories from there instead of NA because they have more supply. And honestly, the limited edition 3DSes have never had problems with stock in Japan. A lot of online stores that sold LEs still have stock, not even marked up that much higher than when the 3DSes were new. It kinda feels like they only pull this shit in their foreign markets and it just makes no sense to me. @_@