This used to be my favorite game series ever in the early 2000s. I just re-bought RCT1 and 2 because they were on sale on GOG, and I'm starting to get back in the series again. RCT2 is definitely my favorite - even though RCT1 had better scenarios, RCT2 made so many little improvements and tweaks that made things so much more enjoyable. And RCT3 was just an abomination that never should have been made. Anyone else love this series?
I used to play RollerCoaster Tycoon, which I believe I got as a prize in a cereal box (best cereal prize ever!). It was fun, although making my own roller-coaster was difficult. I largely prefer the Zoo Tycoon series though. Haven't played that in a while either.
I really wish they ported RCT's scenarios to RCT2. I adore the original scenarios, but it sucks having to deal with manual tree removal and all the little quirks that got fixed in RCT2.
I didn't like the whole making-roller-coasters part of the game at all, so I feel like they missed the mark with me, but I loved everything else about the simulation and would spend hours on it anyway. ._. I've played a lot of RCT2 in the last few years because it was one of the few games that actually worked well on my netbook, haha.
I preferred Zoo Tycoon. Making a roller coaster didn't thrill me much and it was kinda clunky from what I remember
RCT 2 was awesome. I never played the first one, and the third one sucked though. I really like Zoo Tycoon and Sim City too.
ROLLER COASTER TYCOON AAAAAAAA. This was such a time-vampire for me when I was a kid. I'd spend days with my friend playing it and just building our themepark to the ultimate level of amazing. I remember I got it one school holidays as a guilt payment for not being able to go anywhere because my sister was sick. Best holiday ever.
I was the same way, Andy. I played it ALL the time...hours on end. My crowning glory came in RCT2 in like...2004. It was huge and had all custom-designed coasters in it with really high excitement ratings. I still have that saved on a USB drive somewhere.
I didn't like RCT2 as much as RCT1 just because the scenarios and parks were better in 1. I didn't even enjoy the shortcuts 2 brought because of that lol. FOREST FRONTIERS FOREVER.
RCT2, baby. 3 is horrible, and I haven't bothered to try 1, and the expansions of 2 were largely unnecessary (ew themed things) say for a few cool things like the double-decker carousel and such (things that were actually expansions lol). I loved to use the 8-car trainer program thing when making sandboxes and edit the scenario so you can never borrow and start out with £200,000,000 on a gigantic and intensely diverse map. A lot of personal quirks of mine involve extremely extensive underground footpath tunnelling, area divisioning through creating a system of sectors with access points and "special areas", which leads into another thing I did which was creating prison farms for unhappy guests. Then again I dunno if you could call them prison farms since about a year in-game of them being there would totally bump their happiness up to max and keep it there, so as a solution I picked an area of the map surrounded completely by borders/water and let them walk in a no-man's land until I begin to pity them and put them into the prison camp with the others. I'm strange.