Who has a tablet? What do you use it for? Have you found that you've eventually started using it more than your actual PC? I had an iPad for a whole week in November, hoping that I could use it for basic surfing and such around the house, before bed, and whatnot, in order to keep some use off my Macbook. I found that I couldn't really use it that well though - I'm definitely a multitasker, and I often have several Skype convos going on while I'm browsing the internet with a Youtube video in the background. Having said video pause if I switch over to answer an IM, or go to a different tab, or having Skype IMs stop coming through if I go to another app, just didn't fit into my style of internet-ing. So I returned it because I couldn't justify the $300+ it cost, with all the drawbacks. Now I'm thinking about getting a basic Android tablet as a companion device rather than a replacement device. Mostly thinking of when I go out to the living room, or having it open for recipe references in the kitchen, or playing a few rounds of Hearthstone before bed. Plus it'd be $200+ less than what the iPad cost, so it's a little more palatable at that price.
Sometimes I see people with tablets in class and they look pretty useful, but I just don't see myself using one. Most of them are too big to carry around comfortably, imo, and to me they seem like they're in this awkward limbo between my phone and my laptop. I don't need something to bridge that gap. My phone is great for watching videos in bed and my computer is just fine for loading up walkthroughs while playing a game or dicking around on the internet while I'm watching TV or something. I just don't see the point in getting something to serve the same function as my phone but more awkward because it won't fit in my pocket. :P
As I expressed to you on PC and on Skype, but worth sharing here for the public record: Tablets are useless Phones are getting bigger, laptops are getting smaller and incorporating touch capabilities. There's really not much a tablet can do that your phone can't already do. Tablet sales are down. It is an increasingly niche market that is being squeezed out You don't need it.
Good points. I've decided I'm probably going to hold off on making a decision at least until I get my new phone (due for an upgrade in March), since the new phone will inevitably be bigger than what I have now. If I still find myself wanting that medium between my laptop and phone, then I'll start considering again.