Saw Lens Flares 2: Into Darkness today. (aka Star Trek) It was alright. Had some issues with it, especially the lens flares (I'd forgotten the severity of their use in the first movie) but mostly enjoyed myself. I wish it were about 20-30 minutes shorter though. It dragged on a lot in the end.
If they make another one, I don't know if I'll see it. I liked the second more than the first but I don't really care much for these characters or the setting. The majority of the time is spent on Earth or in the emptiness of space, not on other planets. Boring. The next one better not have another attack on San Francisco.
I'll agree with the settings critique, but I like the characters. The classic five year mission of the old series is now set up, so hopefully any further movies will be based around space exploration. And, I think I remember Abrams saying he had to tone down lens flare and quick pans in this movie because the studio wanted a 3D release and those effects wouldn't translate properly.
They were toned down? :| What do the lens flares even accomplish? I could see using them a lot to mask bad CGI but that's not something this film suffered from at all.
Compared to the first one, yeah. I rewatched it the day before seeing the sequel and it was a fairly noticeable difference. I don't know why the lens flare is there. His other movies don't have that effect. Intentional for some reason I don't understand. I hope he doesn't stick them into Star Wars
Oh don't worry, it would be nothing like that if he puts the lens flares in. There need to be at least 4 more.
Saw Catching Fire on Saturday night with my boyfriend. Pretty awesome adaptation of the book, and a better film than the first one. Looking forward to both parts of Mockingjay... well, maybe part 1 more than the second.