One of the biggest arguments against "mobile is the future of gaming" is that traditional games don't translate well into a touch environment. I share that opinion - even with virtual d-pads and analog sticks, playing something like a Final Fantasy or Zelda-like game, or even a platformer, is nowhere near as rewarding without tactile feedback of buttons. I enjoy playing things like Threes or Fruit Ninja on my phone, but I could never imagine playing a full RPG or adventure game on it. That's why I don't ever see my phone replacing my portable systems. What are your thoughts on this? And what can be done (if anything) to overcome the hurdle? Are there any other obstacles to traditional games on mobile?
Honestly, I think I'd rather see things developed for mobile rather than ported badly to mobile. If the game can translate well to touch-based controls that's one thing (for example, I heard the TWEWY port was pretty good until they got too lazy to change a line of code for forward compatibility and took it down), but most games aren't like that. I would much rather see things like Virtual Console and PS Classics where games get ported to similar consoles to what they were initially on. Hell, even Steam ports make more sense because at least you can hook up a controller to a computer pretty easily. Phones are just their own thing that don't really feel compatible. Plus, it's not just controls that are hard to overcome. Most console games simply aren't made for the mobile market. When I think mobile games, I think of something that I should be able to pick up and put down in a few minutes. If I'm standing in line somewhere, I don't want to worry about not finishing a level or being able to save in time. Even TV console to handheld console ports are bad for this (lookin' at you, Tales of the Abyss) so I can't imagine playing some of these games on my phone. I enjoy a LOT of mobile games, but none of them are anything like games I play on consoles. They're all developed for mobile and generally each play session is only a minute or two long, if that. That's what people should be aiming for because imo that's what works best.
Have you guys ever played Infinity Edge? That's combat done right, with some really good graphics for a mobile game to boot. If they added in some good characters, actual dialogue, and a plot that makes sense, it has the potential to make a really good game. I have yet to make it far in the second one, as I haven't played it in forever, but they actually do a very good job with expanding on the story, and you have to try again and again to go to different areas and see what you can unlock from where. It gets repetitive after a while, but what mobile game doesn't? If there is such a thing as a full fledged mobile RPG, then I say take a look at what Infinity Edge was trying to do. Phones are getting more and more powerful, and if my second generation ipod touch can run both the original game and sequel just fine, then there's room for improvement. Take the combat, maybe dial down the graphics so there's room for more options, add in a story with good characters, and you're looking at a very good mobile game. Of course, if you are playing on mobile, then you're probably only going to be playing for a couple minutes, like what Cherrim said, so maybe phones aren't the next area for the adventure of a lifetime.
One of the best mobile games that I have ever played was a port -- Knights of the Old Republic. It was done VERY well and I really hope they port KOTOR II as well.
These both sound like full-fledged gaming experiences (I'm assuming you're talking about Infinity Blade), and I know that KOTOR is, but I just cannot imagine something like KOTOR translating well at all to a touch-only interface. How do these games handle controls in a way that's not awkward? Plus, as Erica pointed out, something like KOTOR is an epic 30+ hour game, when most mobile games are designed for short sessions - pick up and play on a ride to work or something. I couldn't imagine playing something like that on my phone.