What games are you playing right now? I'm personally working on my Pokemon Black playthrough (I beat White when it first came out) and Kirby's Epic Yarn, which I picked up last month during the big Gamestop sale. After I beat KEY, I'll probably go start chiseling away at my backlog...maybe wrap up Mass Effect since I was working on it before B/W.
I was totally coming on here to make this thread. @_@ Right now I'm not really playing anything. I'm fumbling through Fable right now, playing whenever I'm too bored to do anything else. And I'm sorta replaying Plants vs Zombies on PC because my save file was lost ages ago. And of course, I'm procrastinating on going to do the extra bosses in Kingdom Hearts BBS Final Mix... partially because they terrify me but mostly because I'm too lazy to look up how to GET to them. I want to start a PS2 game but I know if I actually end up setting up my PS2 in my room I'll just end up replaying either KH2 or KH Re:COM. @_@;
At the moment I'm mainly raiding in WoW. Downed all but Al'Akir on normal and downed Halfus, Magmaw, and Chimaeron on heroic. I seriously doubt we'll get much more than Maloriak and maybe Conclave of Wind on heroic before Firelands is released though :( Other than that I'm leveling a rogue tank in Rift and just messing around in Plants vs. Zombies. I needs more money to buy the rest of the plant upgrades so I can do Survival T_T
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood | Almost done. Doing extra content and collectibles before completing the final sequence - Pokemon White Version | Training for the Elite Four - Portal: The Flash Version | No clue where I am. Doesn't tell you which test chamber I'm in. I hope almost done. Not enjoying it and I want to move onto Portal 2
World of Warcraft and Assassin's Creed 2. Trying to explore all my WoW characters and figure out which class & spec I work best at. All blood elves, naturally. Focusing on my paladin right now. Assassin's Creed 2 I'm somewhere in sequence 5 or 6. I haven't played it in about a month.
Pokemon Black Version and Portal 2. I'm not really sure if I'm done playing Perfect Dark for 360. I went through single player on Agent, had fun, decided to try single player on Special Agent and I'm getting bored of the missions. Maybe I'll go back in a few weeks.
I'm still working on pokemon white, I'm just before victory road, not really looking forward to that so I've put it off since I've gotten the game. I also have a backlog of ps3 games to go through, the main one being demon's souls, the others being final fantasy XIII, GTA4, black ops and white knight chronicles.
Since the Gears 3 beta is over now, I'll probably play through Portal 2's co-op mode if the PSN will stay up.
Beat Kirby the other night, now I'm playing Black with a little bit of Professor Layton and the Curious Village on the side. I'll probably go back to Mass Effect over the weekend and try to wrap that up in the next week or two.