Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney HD (iOS) - Just finished the third case. Deus Ex: The Fall (iOS) - The last thing that happened was I arrived in Panama. Unfortunately, the most recent patch for the game makes it crash even more than it did pre-update, so I can't play it anymore. Sigh. :/ I liked what I played though, definitely feels like a handheld Human Revolution. Tales of the Abyss (3DS) - Just finished the Cheagle Woods.
I'm playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Master Quest. Currently in the Fire Temple and have died once so far.
Haven't gamed in like two or three weeks because I've been away at a conference and then busy doing random things this week, but Rogue Galaxy and MGS are still #1 priorities. I also started a Nuzlocke run of Pokemon Platinum since I've always wanted to do one and Plat is my favorite Pokemon game. So far I've had a couple of tense moments but it hasn't been too awfully challenging. Looking forward to hopefully trying out some Pokemon I've never raised before later on in the game though.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution, PS3. Currently doing the different missions during the second visit to Detroit, while the riots are breaking out. In like a week or so, I'll also be playing Tales of Xillia. Edit: Still on Human Revolution, but I just finished the Hengsha Port section. I have The Missing Link DLC, so I'm playing that at the moment since that's where its story fits in. I'll get back to the main game once I'm finished with it.
I'm playing through Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii with DarkSpade93. I'm also wrapping up a playthrough of the hack Pokémon Throwback Edition. And just started playing Metroid Fusion for the first time
I have a hell'a backlog right now since my PC was unavailable to use for a good while and I'm catching up on these games now; Metro 2033 Even before I got my hands on the game, I enjoyed watching all the gameplay and it is living up to it's expectations at the moment. There is a lot of action within the campaign which I really like and there are several moments of tension throughout the game. I love the concept behind the game and how different it is from all the other FPS games, it's nice to get my hands on something that I don't see being played too often. Castle Crashers I still haven't got near to finishing the game and it will take me a while. I'm not complaining, because I love this game and it's much more fun when played with others. I have discovered my favorite all-time weapon in this game, "The Demon Sword", such a beautiful weapon. I hope that the coming hours of the game match or best the hours already played, it's been amazing so far and it's hard to pick out cons.
I just started playing Borderlands 2. I got hooked on the first one, man; so much fun! Finished the story and played the Dr. Ned Zombie Island DLC. After I finished Borderlands, I picked up Dante's Inferno so I could finally finish it. I started playing like 2 years ago, but got distracted and forgot it. So I finally completed that as well. I'm level 8 so far in Borderlands 2. Haven't played all week though; hopefully I can catch up this weekend. :( I haven't done much else recently. I downloaded Assassin's Creed 2 on XBL when it was free last month, so that'll be next once I finish Borderlands.
Tales of Xillia aaaaand it begins. I've already beaten the game (Jude's story) but I've started Milla's now. I'm hoping to get through it this week and then give the game a rest until September or so. Maybe. We'll see how it goes. :P Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney I'm going through this so slowly. Trying to hurry up though. I have no excuse not to finish it before it gets its release in the West. ._. If I finish ToX this week, I'm gonna finish up Shadow of the Colossus. If I finish that, Ni no Kuni is next on the console list. If by some miracle I finish Layton vs AA, the next on my handheld/import list is Tales of Innocence R. :3
I am playing Metroid Fusion. And ugh. Metroid: Zero Mission is a fantastic game. A must play. I played Super Metroid recently and can easily see why everyone loves it. It's great too. Both are like portable Prime. Prime really adapted that 2D formula well. I like this series. But Fusion so far? Very linear. Samus monologues. Game is divided into zones.'s 2D Other M basically, and that's not good. Even the black sheep, Metroid II, is better than this so far.