I'm playing The Wonderful 101 and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney I'm not big on W101 so far. It is repetitive and frustrating. Voice acting is cheesy. Only just started Justice. His hands are gigantic when he slams the desk. Not fond of the instruments used in the music so far
Ace Attorney: Investigations 2 / Gyakuten Kenji 2 I didn't enjoy AAI as much as I'd hoped, but someone told me the second one is better so I'm giving it a shot even though I'd rather just move on to replaying the main series. I'm not far yet because I decided to attempt the original Japanese version instead of the fan translation. I'll do the first case and then decide whether to switch over. I think I'm doing okay so far though, so we'll see how it goes. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes It's kind of a pain to play this because it only starts up if I unplug my second monitor so I've only done two levels lol. It's fun though! LEGO games are kinda dull by yourself though. :\ Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix HD I started a LV1 Aqua run and got about halfway through before I succumbed to just playing Command Board and had to go to bed but we all know I'll continue soon enough so I guess this should go on the list.
Splatoon I need to play more of the single player of this, but I've been too busy playing multiplayer. Fun game, I just wish there were more of it. Playing the same maps over and over gets kind of old after a while, but the gameplay is really addictive and the matches are short enough to have that "just one more" quality. Batman Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition Getting myself ready for Arkham Knight, though I won't be playing that at release. Enjoyable so far, but I'm not seeing what the open-world city actually adds to the game yet. Asylum had such tight gameplay and design. Fallout 3 Inspired by the Fallout 4 announcement, I figured it was time to actually pull this off the shelf after 6 years and get started with it. I'm still in Megaton.
Nothing. The open-world gameplay adds nothing to the Arkham formula. Really breaks a bit because I can't be as stealthy fighting outside. You land and then oh oops a bunch of thugs, time to fight. Origins, I found, gave me some more crevices and such to hide in. But with the first game, nearly every room is it's own intricate little gem of a puzzle with strengths and weaknesses on how best to tackle it. That's thrown out the window with the open-world.
That makes me wonder how Arkham Knight will be, considering they're touting that they're pretty much taking the open world from City and running with it.
The Witcher 3 This is a lot of fun but I usually end up only playing for about 30 minutes before stopping because I die so much. I'm not really a fan of combat systems that use a lot of dodging/blocking/parrying, which this does. Dragon Age: Inquisition Still working on my Nightmare completion playthrough. I had mostly stopped working on it but then the DLC was released on non-xbox consoles so I'm playing it some more lately. League of Legends I really only play this with my boyfriend. I usually play support and he'll play ADC, but sometimes we switch. Can't play too much of this at once because damn playing with other random people can be frustrating.
I started Final Fantasy XIV the other day because a friend convinced me and I've already lost control of my life... it's only been a few days and it's pretty much already my longest-played game on steam......
How does someone play a game for 78 hours in "just a few days"???? There are only 24 hours in a day...