Currently playing Apollo Justice. I'm not very far into, just the second case, but hahahaha this game "I'm so glad that all of this makes sense in context" ~Apollo
On my own, I've picked up Arkham City again. Apparently at 40% through the main story according to the in-game tracker. Enjoying the game a bit more than I was before. Doesn't look like I'll be playing Arkham Knight anytime soon anyway, with the state of the PC version, so I'm in no rush to finish City. I'm also co-oping Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker with Rhys, so the game won't be as much of a grind as it would be if I did it in single player.
...neither is excusable really Anyway, I'm currently on the final case of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney I'm super impressed with this game. I didn't think I would be. People online always seemed iffy about it, but I like it - not as much as the original, but it's still great. The cases feel shorter though, that's my main negative. But at the same time that's good? Like, investigating feels less tedious than in the original trilogy. Just glad I've finally played this and own it
Adding to the games I said in my last post, I'm also playing a bit more of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Really enjoying it so far - I'm not normally a fantasy WRPG person, but this one might actually hold my attention.
Currently doing a New Game Plus playthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins. About to head to the Lacey Towers. Also still playing The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Should unlock Moe's Tavern soon.