I am currently playing "Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy". Going to get Layton out of the way and then hop to Layton V Wright (maybe, I should look up if it matters if that or AA5 is first) I also started Metroid Prime Trilogy - specifically the original Metroid Prime. Love them pointer controls
PLvsAA takes place outside of AA canon so you can play it whenever. (If it does take place in AA canon, it's probably just during the original trilogy, so still irrelevant to AA5.)
I see, thanks. At least I'll have all of the Laytons done by then at any rate - although there's no Emmy on the PLvsAA cover, so that also probably doesn't matter anyway
Yeah, Luke's in his older (newer? lol) outfit so I think it's based on the original Layton trilogy too, rather than the prequel trilogy.
Maybe "elder" outfit? ...but not that actually older future Luke from Unwound Future Anyway, damn I wish Metroid Prime Trilogy was in HD. Great game, but damn
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. I don't like Animal Crossing at all--or at least, I've tried it twice and have never been able to get into it--but apparently I preordered this during Amazon's E3 discount?? So it arrived the other day and oh my god I love it. It's such a casual game and literally all you do is interior and exterior decorating but it's so much fun. It's perfect for winding down at night or for playing on the bus. It's also fun recognizing villager names and finally being able to put a face/personality to ones that I'd always heard people ranting or raving about.
I'm still playing through "Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy". Not having a whole lot of fun with it. Loved everything about "The Miracle Mask" and this just... falls flat as a follow-up to it. The story isn't too interesting, just a fetch quest. You don't explore one area in depth like in previous games, but rather a bunch of smaller areas. So, you don't really have a relationship with what's going on and the characters. Everything feels like a sidequest. I'm also playing through "Metroid Prime" as part of the "Metroid Prime Trilogy". Don't know if I'll get to the other two games in the trilogy any time soon (or at least, "Echoes". Since "Corruption" is identical). This game will forever be one of my all-time favourites, and it's great to replay it especially now with a widescreen presentation... but the motion controls aren't the revelation I thought they would be. Don't get me wrong, they work just as well as the original scheme if not better (most of the time). But the game was designed around the lock-on mechanic, and a lot of those shots you just won't make with pure free aim. So, you gotta enable lock-on mode and then it's just not that different from the original control scheme during battle in that case.
Yes, I'm still playing "Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy" - in that I have not finished and it is sitting in my 3DS. It is a bit of a slog this one. I think I'm in the last act though, or nearing it. I wrapped up the "visit these arbitrary places for eggs" gambit. More importantly, or at least more fun for me anyway, I've been playing "Guacamelee!". Specifically the "Super Turbo Championship Edition" for the Wii U (naturally). I am really enjoying it. It is a Metroidvania love letter... really, in that it is basically "Super Metroid" with NES-era Castlevania-like cities. No shooting or whips here though, instead it adapts a beat 'em up combo system - which is fitting as it makes it a bit like a 2D Arkham game, and Asylum itself was basically a Metroidvania game. They've done a really good job with it; I'm enjoying exploring the world for all the secrets and hidden pathways, backtracking isn't a chore, the music and art style is great, and it is littered with video game references (and other nerd stuff like Batman and Star Wars). And it has a good sense of humour in the dialogue. And somehow they have actual referred-to-by-name Chozo Statues from Metroid to give you upgrades. Anyway, if you like Metroidvanias, you owe it to yourself to play this game. I've also returned to the realm of 3DS free to plays since the release of Badge Arcade. So Pokémon Shuffle and Rumble World have been getting more play time lately
Right now I'm trying to push through some games for Game of the Year discussions in January, along with playing generous amounts of multiplayer Halo 5 and Star Wars: Battlefront on the side. ...unfortunately, the single player games I'm tackling are all sprawling open-world adventures that are going to take forever to finish: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Batman: Arkham Knight, and a bit of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on the side. I'm also playing Yoshi's Woolly World and trying not to die from the cuteness overload. It's a really great game as well - some really tight level design (though some levels are clearly by the B-team) and a huge amount of charm and polish.
Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U) Professor Layton VS. Phoenix Wright (Nintendo 3DS) Dragon Quest II Remix (Super Famicom)