Playing the new Ratchet and Clank - it's been a while since I've played an R&C (Quest for Booty was my last one, and the only other one I'd played was Tools of Destruction). I'm really, really enjoying it - it's a lot of fun, the mechanics mesh really well together, the humor is great, and the graphics are drop-dead gorgeous. I'm also playing a bit of Pokémon Colosseum on the side in an attempt to majorly chip off games from my backlog. Might try to revisit some other GC/PS2 games to clear them out since they've been backlogged for ten or more years (yikes).
I've checked out a bit of Magic Duels since I've not been able to play any MTG in a while and it's better than nothing. I've also been dying a lot in DS3 and have been running around collecting random things in Farcry Primal and playing a little bit of final fantasy 9 every now and then since its on steam now and ive never actually finished it.
I... don't know what I'm playing. Well, I mean, technically right now... nothing. I'm not in the middle of any games, although I did just finish a bunch. I have a number of indie games I've picked up via a couple Nintendo Humble Bundles and the old version of Club Nintendo, that I'll probably bounce between. Also, Ace Attorney 5 - which I'm excited to start as AA6 approaches
Finishing up Assassin's Creed: Rogue right now - I just finished the first memory of the final sequence. I'm not going for completion or anything, I'm mostly just playing for plot leading up to Unity, which I'll probably tackle after the first of the year. Also playing some Forza Horizon 3 and 7 Days to Die on the side. This isn't counting League of Legends, which I've been playing pretty regularly for the past couple months.
Been taking my time with it, but still playing through Pokemon Sun. About 3/4 of the way through the main story (probably?), but it should keep me busy for another week or two at least.
Finishing up the last games I need to beat before Game of the Year. Finally making my way through Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. I've been meaning to play this all year and honestly don't know why I never got around to it. Just finished chapter 14 and I'm going to try to do a chapter or two a day to finish it within the next week or so. Also playing The Last Guardian. It's definitely janky, but so far it hasn't affected my enjoyment of it. Trico is amazingly animated, and I'm enjoying the interaction between my character and him as we journey through the game.
I'm currently playing through "Super Mario 64". I had started with the DS remaster (played on a 3DS), and, well... it just wasn't what I was looking for. The controls are weird. I didn't want to play as Yoshis or the other Italians. So, I jumped ship a couple Power Stars in. Now I'm playing the N64 version through my Wii (thanks Not64). My actual N64 and Game Pak are buried in the basement, so this'll do. Playing with my Hori GCN Classic Controller Pro too. Got off to a slow start, but went through and cleared five worlds before tackling the first Bowser stage. Will continue later.
Right now I'm playing The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and I'm currently at the entrance of the fourth dungeon. I played Seasons a few years ago and wasn't overly enamored by it. Enjoying Ages a bit more, but I could have just had different tastes back when I played Seasons, so I may go back and replay it at some point. I'm doing a linked game as well, obviously. Also playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix HD. I've finished Terra's story and I'm about to get started on Ven's. Playing on Critical and it hasn't been too overly taxing except for the bosses that were assholes anyway on my original Proud playthrough on PSP.
Seasons focuses more on the action and battle aspects of Zelda, while Ages is based around the puzzle traits. Maybe that's just what appeals to you more in the franchise. I also find the time travel aspect easier to manage than the changing of seasons. I hope you enjoy the linked-game part at the end of all this