I think this is different enough from "now playing" and "where do you buy your games". And it's pretty simple to ring in and answer. :3 Brag about deals you snagged or just show off your new games in general. Last games I bought in-store were Bioshock 2 and Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology for a little under $30, which is awesome because I've been meaning to get Bioshock 2 but didn't want to pay more than $15 and ditto for the other, but never expected to see it for under $20. They were used, but I don't mind too much. But last games I spent money on but don't have yet? I think Katamary Forever was on sale for $20ish new at Play-Asia so I tossed an order in for it and I got MGS: Peacewalker for $16 as well. It was an impulse buy and I'm kind of fretting about it because Canada Post is on strike right now and I hope the order doesn't get lost. ;_;
The last game I bought was Ocarina of Time 3D on Sunday. I had to go to four stores to find it, and wound up having to get it at GameStop and paying full price. :/
Hmm, the last game I spent money on was League of Legends, I added points to my account to buy more Champions :) The last games I actually purchased were Resident Evil 5 (360) and Dragon Age: Origins (360), which I got at the same time at an anime convention. They were both used and over priced but it was worth it. I marathoned Resident Evil 5 with Cherrim which was really fun, and I've been slowly playing through Dragon Age which is also pretty awesome.
Last game I bought was "Mirrors Edge" for Xbox. I think that, Mirrors Edge is just a nice game. It have nice graphics and nice gameplay.
Does buying micro transactions from F2P games count? If so, I bought GamersFirst credits for the game APB: Reloaded.
Um... Final Fantasy XIII for the 360, I think? I originally had the PS3 version (Pre-ordered it, actually), but after sending in my PS3 for repairs twice, I really didn't feel like restarting the game yet again months later, so I sold it. Got a crave to buy it again, and since I now play the 360 more, I bought it for that instead. Can't say I regret the purchase, especially since it was only $20. I love Mirror's Edge!
The last game I bought was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. I bought it using gift certificates at Best Buy and took advantage of a promotion wherein I'd get $10 in points back. It was an online order and after I got it I got an email from Best Buy saying they lost the game (huh?) and they gave me a $10 gift certificate. So, I made $20 on that game XD Also bought both "Game & Watch Collection" titles for the DS from Club Nintendo using Club Nintendo points
Sega and Sonic all star racers mario kart clone thing. I had a load of credit at CEX and it was cheap. It's an ok game, but it's no mario kart.
Uhhh... The last game that I bought was Mortal Kombat I think. I still need to buy Infamous 2 and OoT but I am skint! =[