SO.MANY.GAMES Uhh, uhhhhh..... Club Nintendo has been paying off quite a bit. Between my own coins, stuff I've snagged off of Reddit, contests, me mooching off of co-workers, free things on eShop that grant coins... I've managed to grab: Wii U - The Wonderful 101 Wii VC - F-Zero X Nintendo 3DS - Fluidity: Spin Cycle - New Super Mario Bros. 2 Still working at it, hoping to secure HarmoKnight or a Game Boy game I was debating Star Fox 64 3D, but I played the original on the VC and I know it's sacrilegious but I didn't really enjoy that game. I don't think the remaster would change my mind. Though that's probably the best value for a coin exchange. And yes I did pick up another NSMB game despite hating on them all the time :X I've also downloaded, although I haven't played it yet, Pokémon Shuffle. Other free games also include SimCity 2000: Special Edition and Syndicate off of the Origin service. Lastly, I did actually spend money on a few things: There's the Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack. I grabbed those two games for half-a-buck on Steam, didn't even pay tax We were discussing them at work. I also picked up the digital Metroid Prime Trilogy release while that was on sale. So, that's another three games for a cool $10 :) Looking forward to replaying those with motion controls, even though this means they probably aren't making an HD version As games climb up to $75/$80 here in Canada, I am clearly rebelling and going for the cheap.
Just picked up Guacamelee!, Mighty Switch Force!, and whatever Woah Dave! is; all from the Humble Nindie Bundle. For Wii U and 3DS Been eyeing Mighty Switch Force for a while, albeit the Wii U version - but I can live with the 3DS version. Guacamelee too because hey why not, everyone loves a Metroidvania game. Nearly did these earlier through the Club Nintendo rewards and eShop sales, but opted not too. Dunno what Dave is, but it seems to have good reviews so \o/ Curiously all these games have an exclamation point in their title. This was my first Humble Bundle or similar, so pretty neat. Makes a difference when I have an actual machine to play on
I picked up Splatoon today. It's definitely different - pretty fun, although I'm terrible at it. The controls are going to take some getting used to; a lot of people like the motion controls but I find them really clunky...both analog and motion control have a bit of a learning curve though. Some of the interface is really clunky as well. Online seems to work fairly flawlessly though, surprisingly! Also the way Nintendo is doling out the maps and game modes just highlights the lack of content in the game at launch. Only two maps at any one time...I just got done playing like six matches in a row on the same map. :/
I haven't played Splatoon, not even the demo, but I wouldn't think a third-person shooter would play well with motion controls. First-person is godly with the Wiimote/Nunchuck combo, but can't imagine third-person
Discovered that Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+ released in Japan today and within an hour had finished the demo and am now downloading the full game. ;_; The eshop makes it WAY too easy to impulse buy.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Because my birthday. And it was $10 off Sorry, Apollo Justice. I didn't play you this week because I was sick (once again) and didn't feel like reading. And now you must be shelved because I have a new Zelda game to play. See ya soon though
Picked up Grow Home during the Steam sale. Just installed it but haven't played it yet. Thinking about getting Arkham Origins since it's only $4.99, but it would be a long time before I played it - playing City now and then I have Knight waiting to be downloaded.
This was a no-brainer considering I've been playing the series in preparation for V, but I picked up MGS4 on Wednesday and I'll be starting that soon - maybe even this weekend.