Oh, there was a Steam sale and I was weak on the last day. I think I picked up Valkyria Chronicles and the Vanishing of Ethan Carter. I told myself I'd play at least one of them before the end of the month but then FF14 happened. ¯\_(´∇`)_/¯
oooookay make me feel bad about my spending habits by making me post twice in a row. I see how it is. I picked up The Swindle yesterday because it finally came out and I've been waiting on this game for YEARS. It's a neat little indie game where you play as a mastermind thief, infiltrating houses, stealing all their cash, taking out their security guards/systems, and high-tailing out before the police show up (assuming you even get noticed and the police are called at all). It's pretty fun and well worth the wait, but man I wish it were a little easier. The dev specifically wanted it to be a game that doesn't hold your hand because he hates how tutorial-centric most games are these days but... idk. Not exactly the best game to have picked up and stubbornly started playing through when I'm high on painkillers loool. Anyway! Art, music and atmosphere are phenomenal and exactly what I signed up for and have been anticipating for years. Gameplay is a bit clunky and I'm not very good at it, but I'm getting better. I definitely recommend it!
Been a while since this thread has seen any posts...I know we've all been spending plenty of money on games. I picked up Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright next week though I've yet to take it out of the shrinkwrap (will likely fix that tonight). I also got Pokémon Yellow on the 3DS VC this past weekend since my cart died. Been playing it and reliving my childhood.
Preordered Uncharted 4 from Amazon so I could get release date delivery, so that came in yesterday. Played up to chapter 6 last night!
I picked up Doom 3: BFG Edition the other day. Haven't played much of it except the first game, but it's a blast so far.
At the risk of mentioning the Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle in three threads now... Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U), Retro City Rampage: DX (3DS), Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Wii U) Shantae was for both Wii U and 3DS I believe, but I'm only gonna play the Wii U one
Picked up Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 on Origin since it was on sale and $30 was my sweet spot for the game. I was going to try it out with Nolafus tonight but he decided to be lame and go play D&D instead.
The last game I bought was Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina (Japanese Ocarina of Time) at a used game store for $20. So worth it even though I don't have a N64, but it gives me incentive to try getting one again.