I finally caved and bought Overwatch. Played a bit today - it's really fun, although I knew that since I played the beta. I need a lot of practice though, and I still need to try Lucioball before the Olympics are over.
Haven't posted in here in a while, but as far as recent purchases go... I got Pikmin 3 for Christmas. Probably won't get around to playing it for a while, but I'm excited to try out the series. Would have rather started with 1 and 2, but they're so expensive and hard to find now, and the Nintendo Selects release of 3 made it more widely available, so I guess it's just as good a spot as any to start. I picked up The Last Guardian yesterday. Actually, I wound up with two copies of Final Fantasy XV (long story) so I exchanged one for TLG. Excited to get around to playing it in the next couple of days so I can see how it fares in my GotY listings. Same goes for Inside and Stardew Valley, both of which came from the Steam sale. Klippy gave me Stardew Valley as a Christmas gift, and I got Inside on my own.