Well, in the 4+ years since this thread, Justin will be glad to know that I've softened a bit on platformers. I think Shovel Knight and Tropical Freeze really did it for me. Tropical Freeze especially was absolute joy to play, even if it made me swear like a sailor just about the entire time I played it. I've actually been considering picking up DKC Returns lately just because I'm craving another game like TF. Banjo-Kazooie was pretty fun too, and though I'm not really in a rush to pick up Tooie anytime soon from XBL, Yooka-Laylee is one of my most anticipated games this year.
I can forgive you if you don't play Tooie, it is kinda inflated. Also inflated, but somehow more enjoyable to me is Donkey Kong 64. But that probably hasn't aged well. Play Donkey Kong Country 2, Yoshi's Island, and Super Mario World please