All the impressions I've heard about it seem like it's pretty shallow - which is to be expected from a F2P mobile game, I guess. I know Serebii has been ragging on it since it was first announced, and his opinion hasn't changed as we've seen more of the game. I'll take a look at what's shown at E3, but I'm not expecting much.
I'm not really sure what to think, but I'm rather disappointed that when they announced the USA for testing, it was exactly that - USA, and not North America as a whole, unlike how game companies like to define it. Because of that I couldn't get into the test for the game, but hopefully Canada will soon be announced for a testing area, I'd gladly participate once I get hardware that's half decent :/
I guess because Nintendo of Canada doesn't having a development wing. Whereas Nintendo of America does, plus Treehouse and the Super Mario Club for testing. We just do marketing and logistics over here.
That's probably likely. Anyways, since Pokemon GO came out, I grabbed the APK and began playing since Canada was still listed as "Coming soon". Niantic is doing a terrible job of handling this game to be honest. They don't give a set date, then just randomly drop it on the Play Store and iTunes with no forewarning, then start slowly releasing it to only the countries that did the initial beta test. So almost everyone else gets to sit and watch while three countries get to enjoy it.
uggggghhh I just want to play this. I've been waiting and holding off for the official release. But I keep seeing stuff online from Americans, and in-person from impatient Canadian friends. I was really hoping it'd be launched here by this Friday because I'm going to be spending a lot of time outside in a prime exploration spot, but I guess I'll have to miss out :( Why do I always play by the rules?
I'm really surprised Canada hasn't gotten a launch yet. Although considering the server issues, it's probably a case of avoiding overload. I've downloaded the game but I'm still trying to think of a username and whatnot. A lot of people I know are playing it though - even people at work.
It has finally released in Canada! \o/ Installed it last night, played it for a bit. Went for a walk at lunch with co-worker players and tried to catch for critters and hang out in hotspots. And played throughout the day at my desk as it is conveniently located between three hotspots that people kept dropping lures on. I mean... I was completely and totally productive at work today. Yeah.
I've had it on my phone since it initially launched and just had it sideloaded, however, I've been experiencing the "GPS signal not found" glitch and it's kept me from playing at all :( I do need to get a better phone, but I can't quite afford it yet.