So... I finished this back in January, it was nice for what it was I guess. 3D effect was nice, I liked the dungeons, great music. I really don't like ALttP, this game was much better and refined. But, still very dated. Minish Cap beats it in every category. I'm also tired of these throwback games like this or New Super Mario Bros., that just ignore advancements made in later installments. Minish Cap had a whole slew of sword attacks (like Twilight Princess did), here you don't. Four Swords Adventures, an ALttP spiritual successor in its own right, had Epona riding. Game Boy entries and Ancient Stone Tablets altered Pegasus Boots physics a bit. All ignored here. Really though, this should be a system that does stuff like OoT and MM. I want top-down titles, but either if this quality... then as eShop titles, or somthing much bigger and grander.
I'm definitely going to get around to putting my thoughts about this game in a review, but I feel largely the same way you do. I thought it was a pretty clear step back from The Minish Cap in plot, characters, combat, and dungeon design. That said, I did enjoy it more than ALttP, but I never was a huge fan of that game anyway (though I probably like it more than Triffy).
You most certainly like ALttP more than I do. Everyone likes ALttP more than I do. LA just did it better in every way